Chapter 31

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The first couple weeks went as usual. Mainly just unpacking. Some times he would take me to dinner but hardly never because of the fact we had so much to unpack.

I still had night mares of the girls we found, but little by little I'm forgetting.

The house we got was huge, we figured since we have so much stuff might as well have a big house.

It's white and black through the outside. There's glass windows and most of our furniture is black.

Most of the things from the other house we sold, but not all. We also have a huge fish tank, 56 rooms, 2 stairs cases, a bar in the kitchen. The kitchen had black granite around the counter tops, and 1 big refrigerator.

This house was built recently so it's way better then the last house. We sold the last house for $89,000,000. The house was actually very far from my parents house, but he liked it and I didn't want to argue over that again.

I was actually very happy of the fact that we have a huge house, good cars, I think I finally have the life I've always wanted, plus he hasn't done anything to harm me. He even taught me how to drive.

I couldn't wait until I could see my family, he again hasn't mentioned anything and I'm really getting tired of it.

Right now I was laying down in our bed room watching family feud.

I honesty don't get why we got such a big house if it's only us two but we do have a lot of stuff and if we have children we will have to have more storage rooms to keep their old clothes and have bedrooms, play rooms, and many other things.

"Baby are you sleeping?" Henry said walking into the room quietly.

"No I'm not I'm just watching tv. Where were you?"

"I was down stairs paying some bills" he said taking off his shoes.

"Okay well can I talk to you?"

"Umm yeah what's it about?" He said sitting on the bed.

"Well I don't know if you want to talk about it but I was wondering about my family." I said stuttering.

Before I knew it his hand connected with my cheek. I was so shocked. I didn't move I just sat there completely shock. He just went back to watching tv while I sat there and cried.

I tried to run out the room, but he grabbed my wrist and sat me back down.

"W-w-why?" I asked scared with fresh tears pouring out of my eyes.

Why would he hit me? He promised he would let me see them, and also he said he would never hit me again.


"What the hell Henry you said you weren't going to hit me again!!" I yelled and ran out before he could grab me again. I slammed the door to cause him more time getting out.

I ran into a room I go into when I miss my family, he's never found me in here and he never even guessed about it.

This house had secret passages too, just not as many as the other house.

We made sure that there would be no problems like the other house, so mostly all these rooms only have at least 3 different rooms in 1.

I heard footsteps above me, which meant he was in the kitchen, implying that he was probably drinking again.
I heard the door to this room open. I gasped quickly and covered my mouth. I was in the 2nd room in the bedroom but I still could here the noises even through 2 doors.

The door burst opened to the room in front of me and I figured he would come to this one, but not that easy because the door was hidden behind boxes of stuff. So it looks as if there's just a wall.

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