Chapter 15

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Valerie's POV:

When I opened the door I saw my exact room from back home. The same purple walls that I begged my dad to paint because purple is my favorite color. The same little desk in the corner, the big screen tv on the wall, the same exact bed, even the family photos were there. "What the f***" I shouted.

"Oh honey make your self at home I mean you liked your own room from back then why is it a problem now" the woman said while walking into the room.

"Nooo what the f*** is wrong with you, you copied everything how did you even get the exact same things?" I asked while I could feel steam coming out if my ears.

"I told you Valerie I stalked you for very long. Just imagine you were a baby when I found out your parents were the cause of all of that s*** and your how old now might as well do the math." She said.

"O my gosh you stalked me for that long?" I asked

"Yeh I did and also the night we kidnapped you, if you haven't noticed it's been 2 days, the man that you were checking out in the basement packed all your things that night, you didn't see him that night because I had him busy. The furniture I bought, but all the pictures he also got" she said.

"It's been two days?" I asked shocked

"Yeah it has you were kind of knocked out for a long time I think the rag really got to you." She said laughing.

"It's not funny, it's dumb as f*** I can't even believe you took all my things and the pictures, why the pictures, you know how much pain that causes me?" I said tearing up.

"Aww it does, I'll burn them if you want" she said

"Are you crazy, no I want to keep them." I said

"Then shut up and don't complain" she said. I swear I wanted to strangle this woman.

"Okay can you leave me alone" I said rudely.

"Glad to" she said walking out.

"Uhhhh" I said throwing a brush to the ground.

I quickly ran to pick up my families picture. I sobbed for hours just staring into the picture. I know it's wrong what my parents did but how is this my fault they should pay the right way not this way. "I'm going to get out of here guys, I promise" I whispered to the picture while crying.

I stayed in my room the rest of the night. When I woke up in the morning there was a note on the dresser.

I'll be back in a couple hours. I know you didn't eat last night and I know your starving so there's dinner in the fridge and breakfast in the microwave, if you decide to eat. I had to run some errands so I'm guessing your smart enough to not leave. No one is home but the man from the basement because I guessed you still haven't guessed our names. But anyways have fun. Explore the house all you want, you have to get used to it (: bye.



So Anna is her name? Well isn't that nice. I walked out of my room still In my pjs (which were tight pants and a tank top.) I quickly headed to the kitchen opened the door to the microwave and stuffed my face with breakfast, at this point I didn't care if it was cold I was just hungry.

I heard laughing so I jumped and turned around.

"Having fun there?" The man said holding a cup of coffee and a newspaper.

"Well yeah I haven't ate since dinner with my family two days ago" I said with a frown.

"Well that sucks" he said

"So your not going to tell me your name?" I said

"Well I'm Henry" he said

"I'm guessing you already know me" I said

"Yeh I know you Valerie" he said

"So tell me about your self" I said with a smirk.

"Well my name is Henry as I just said, my favorite color is blue, I'm only 16, I've worked here since I was 10, my birthday is on December 6, and well I like sports such as soccer.

"Cool Henry, my favorite color is pur-" I was cut off.

"Valerie I know everything about you already. I know your favorite color is purple. I know your 16 just like me, I know your birthday is on July 3rd, I know you love soccer and played for high school." He said

I was very shocked I've never had a time where someone knows everything about me. He knew absolutely everything.

"Creep" I said

You could just see the anger in his eyes. The hate. He began making fists.

"I'm sorry I didn't think you would get mad" I said innocently.

"Please don't hurt me" I said

"1st off I'm not a creep, actually Anna has always been an honest person and the only reason I'm doing this is so I could get that money and live away from here. I want a new life, a new start. And 2nd I'm not going to hurt you because your a female and because Anna would kill me." He said

"Then why did you even start working here?" I asked. He looked likeI just stabbed him in the heart.

"No one has ever worried so much about my life story, besides Anna, and I started working here at a young age, due to my parents abandoning me and leaving me on the street at the age of 8. When I was 10 Anna saw me at a store stealing clothes. I quickly ran out the store but she followed me. She told me she would give me clothes and food and a place to stay. I agreed it's not like I had anywhere to go anyways. She took me in as her own, as a mother would. She convinced me how not to steal anymore, how to cook, clean, she taught me everything I know today, I consider her my mother because no one had ever treated me that way. Even when I had my parents, they never cared. She even cuddled with me when I had a night mare." He explained and began to tear up, but kept them in trying to be strong.

"That's very tragic I'm sorry and why do you want to leave her if she's your mother and you have everything anyways." I asked

"Because she might love me like a mother, but I know she's not, she doesn't let me live out of here. I want to leave I want to live my own life. I want to find the love of my life and form a family. I want all of that just like anyone can ever dream, and well with this money I can afford it, she doesn't even have much time to live and I know she put all that money under my name but I can't take it I need my own things. I love her, but I can't stay I have to leave, I will leave when her time comes." He explained

"True well I'm very sorry to here that and hopefully you can live that dream, but if she dies what happens to me?"

I asked concerned.

"You just go back to living your regular life." He said

I know exactly what I'm going to do...

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