Chapter 9

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Anna's POV

He was all done with the procedure and now I had to go back to the hospital I really didn't want to let her go; she was so perfect, so fragile, so innocent, so little.

I felt a strong connection and I don't even know why. I basically do this all the time. You can call me a super hero if you want, but I know I'm not exactly one.

It usually took 1 hour for him to finish, but this one took longer for some reason.

I headed towards the car and set the baby on top of the hood of the car while I got the keys out of my bag. She was wrapped in a huge blanket so the drive back wouldn't get her sick because we just finished the procedure so she could easily get sick, but not later on in life.

I opened my bag and searched for my keys, but when I grabbed the keys I took a step back and fell straight to the ground.

It was very funny, in fact the baby started to laugh as well. It was the best feeling in the world. I just looked straight into her brown eyes, and a smile appeared on her face.

I've always wanted to be a mother, but the doctors said I couldn't have children, after a car accident I was in. I never knew who the other driver was or what punishment they got for crashing me when there was absolutely no reason to, but all I know is that I've suffered all my life and I will until the day I did because of this pain of having no one love me eat me alive.

I unlocked the car, and then put her in the car seat. It started to rain so the drive back took longer then actually coming here, which took longer than I expected as well.

We arrived at the hospital very very later then I thought. The parents probably thought I kidnapped their daughter. Hopefully they were still here.

I walked into the room where the mother was at before and luckily they were still in there.

Sophia's POV

It had been about 5 hours since the woman left, but I wasn't leaving until I had my daughter back.

Suddenly the door opened and there she was. The lady that took my daughter, she probably felt bad for kidnapping her so she came back.

"Hello" I said very angry

"Hi I'm sorry we took so long it began to rain and the journey wasn't so great" she said

"Well I'm glad your back" I said

She handed me my baby and I noticed that she didn't look sick or nothing at all like earlier, she actually was awake and smiling.

"You can have the doctors run tests on her and most likely she's not going to be in danger of dying any more an angel like her doesn't deserve to die" the woman explained.

"Okay sounds good, how do I repay you?" I asked

"Well actually just for having an awesome child you don't owe me anything, I have all the money in the world, a beautiful house, nice cars, I guess I have it all, except love" she said changing her mood from happy to depressed

"I'm very sorry to hear that, but I can't do anything about that" I said not trying to sound rude

"I know you can't, no one can't. Well I'm going to be on my way now and go back from where I came from, goodbye" she said, then began walking towards me and gave my child a kiss on the forehead

"Good luck in life, it was very nice meeting you" she said to her.

"Thank you very much goodnight" I said.

"Goodnight, I'll see you later" she said

What did she mean by later? I don't even know who she is what is she going to do?


Thanks everyone who reads my story I know I don't usually update, but hopefully you guys are liking it so far.

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