Chapter 14

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I'm really not liking this story I don't know if just because it's my first one, so I'm going to end it soon but I have an idea for a different book and it's going to be way better so just wait on it.


Anna's POV:

I didn't think this out straight. I don't know what I'm going to do with Valerie or what the plan is. I know she's going to try to escape and I really don't want her to leave, I love her and also I need her parents to pay.

"Please just let me goooooo!!!" Valerie shouted and wiggled in the chair trying to move.

"It's really no use of you doing that, your not leaving" I said.

She just sat still without a word.

Valerie's POV:

I guess I'm stuck here. "I'll stay, but please let me get out of this chair, feed me, or something" I said

"Okay" the woman said smiling but you could see the hate in her eyes.

"Untie her" she said with a cold voice towards the man. The man quickly untied me and I soon was free from that chair, my hands have never hurt so bad in my life. Anyways I walked over to the woman and exchanged looks.

"There's a bedroom upstairs that has all the things you like in it. Your favorite color is painted on the wall and I also got you a cell phone so you wouldn't feel trapped and you could continue talking to your friends, but I'm tracking every single thing you do, every text, every photo, every call, everything... So don't think of doing anything stupid." The woman said.

I quickly walked up the stairs from this so called basement, but it didn't even look like a basement it looked like a rich bedroom. If that was the basement I could just imagine what's inside. I opened the door and the house looked way better than when I peeked at it earlier. There were nice furniture everywhere, a lot of glass. It looked as if this cost a fortune.

To my right was a door I opened it and there was the kitchen. It had granite all over the countertops, a big brown dining table, 2 stoves, the color red , 1 stainless steel gigantic refrigerator, 2 black microwaves, 3 silver blenders, and 1 red, very expensive, coffee machine, these were the main items in the room, but there was way more. There were red wood cabinets throughout the whole entire kitchen. To my left was also a big sink. When I saw the refrigerator I had to open it I was so hungry and well if I'm staying here might as well make my self at home.

I opened the fridge and there were tons of meats and hams and cheeses and all types of food it looked like a store that never ran out of food. I just wanted to get it all and shove it in my mouth. I'll just eat later I need to explore this house more. I closed the fridge door and made my self out the kitchen.

I walked down this huge hallway that had many doors, I really didn't want to go into all of them right now so I just kept walking. I finally reached the long white and gold stair case that literally wrapped along the whole inside of the house. They were curved and started at two different ends and met up at the same end. I searched in almost 12 rooms before I finally found the blue colored door that said "Valerie's room" I opened the door slowly and I saw what I least expected to be there.

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