Chapter 17

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Recap: Anna came home and Henry and Valerie are in the kitchen.

Valerie's POV

"Hello, how are you guys doing this morning?" Anna said.

"Fine how are you?" I said back, I wasn't going to act suspicious.

"Hi mom" Henry said after.

"Fine also good to hear, and hey son, are you hungry?" She said

"No thanks mom I already ate, how about you? Are you still hungry Valerie?" He said smiling at me.

"No I'm fine thank you" I said

"Sounds good, Henry help me with these groceries" Anna said.

"Ok" he said, walking over to the groceries and picking them up.

"Well I'm going to bed" I said putting my dish in the sink.

"Okay don't oversleep sleeping beauty" Anna said.

"Yeah yeah" I said walking up the long stairs.

I opened the door and threw my self on top of my bed. I was still debating on what to do. It would really affect Henry. She's the only person he's ever had, I can't do that to him. I have to leave though, I can't live here, having my family suffer, just thinking about my mom crying for me breaks my heart.

I have to get closer to them, so they won't suspect I did it. I have to be clever about this, I have to plan this out, take it slow and do it right, nothing can go wrong, it's not going to be hard to kill her, it's just the products I need and the way I have to hide it from all the guards.

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