Chapter 32

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I woke up. Everything was white, and when I say white I mean white!
I tried to sit up and fireworks went through my back. Tears quickly made there way down my face.

That's when I noticed the beeping, the cord in my arm, the blue dress I had on, I was in the hospital.

The flashbacks came flying into my head. How could I be so stupid? Going to sleep while bleeding badly.

"She's awake!!! she's awake!!!" A man yelled. Doctors rushed in and my heart beat began beating heavily.

"I can't believe this, it's a miracle" the doctor said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Well explain in a while." The doctor said.

They rushed me into another room and Henry was sitting there with his head in his hands looking at me like if he had seen a ghost.

"Oh thank you lord I thought they were serious" he said standing up.

"Can you explain what's going on?" I said very irritated.

"Now now calm down and I'll tell you how your hero saved you." He said cockily.

Yeah my hero saved me from almost killing me? How convenient.

"I'm already calm now tell me" I said frustrated.

"Okay okay, so I walked in to your room like 3 hours later. There was a huge red pond on the bed surrounding you, I tried waking you up but you wouldn't respond. I checked if you were still breathing, but you weren't so I freaked out, I gave you CPR and it worked. I rushed you to the hospital as quick as light. They put you into a coma and you were like that for 2 days. All of a sudden you stopped breathing, they put those electricity things on you and woke you back up. Then 3 days later you stopped breathing again and they said there was nothing to do after that so they put you on life support, but you stopped breathing again so they were about to pull the plug, but you woke up like nothing had ever happened."

"I was really shocked that you woke up I mean even the doctors said there was nothing to do about it"

"I'm so sorry for everything I've done to you baby girl, it's my fault I almost lost you. I wouldn't imagine a world without I mean I know I did a lot of stuff to you, but deep down I-I love you" he said with a tear streaming down his face.

"I-I forgive you" I said. I honestly didn't all of sudden just because I was about to die now he cares about me?

"I know you don't mean it, I can see it in your eyes, but I don't need you to forgive me or love me because I'm going to make you realize what you have. What i can give you, and how much I care about you"

Tears were know making there way down my face and onto the blue dress. I couldn't believe my ears.

Was he lying to me?

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