Chapter 27

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Valerie's POV:
The rest of the day we spent trying to find buyers for the house, a place to live, a car to buy, everything we needed to live.

We decided that I would go back home and explain to my parents about what happened when we were there and that we fell in love so we are planning to live together.

Henry agreed to not saying anything about my parents and the whole accident that happened years ago.

Seven different people wanted to buy the house and we had to decide who kept it.

We agreed to going to the dealer ship tomorrow to pick two new cars, even though Anna had hundreds in a underground garage located 2 miles away from the house.

We even found four big houses a couple miles away from my parents house.

I'm so excited for this. I know I'm still young but I'm still looking foward to start a new life with the love of my life.

"So all the financial stuff is figured out?" I asked Henry who was scanning over some papers.

"Yeah all we have to do is pick one of those seven people to own the house, get the cars tomorrow, pack everything, and pick one of those four houses." He said never looking up at me.

"So basically we have nothing done" I said laughing.

"Basically" he started laughing.

"Well for the remainder of today since it's only 9:50 a.m. We can figure out who the new owners are of the house and pack because if you haven't payed attention this house is huge and we need to pack a lot of stuff that will probably take us about two weeks."

"Okay, but don't you think we should just rent the house out. I mean what if something happens at the other house or me and you don't work out, we should have a back up plan, or what if my parents don't allow me to be with you, you could always come back." I said honestly.

"True true, well I'll ask the owners and see if they want to do something like that" he said while playing candy crush on his phone.

"Can you focus please, we have lots to do" I said rolling my eyes.

"Okay damn" he said locking his phone but laughing at the same time.

"Oh and about the cars doesn't Anna have hundreds in that one garage?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but don't you want another one?" He asked sternly.

"Well I would love that, but why waist money when we can simply use those?" I said.

"We have all the money in the world we don't need to work a day in our lives and even buy a whole city if we wanted to" he said laughing

"Well true but-" I began saying but was cut off.

"Shut up dang Val that's what's going to happen and that's final" Henry said bringing his fist down onto the table and getting out of his seat.

Did he just say shut up? Now I'm double thinking the plans we have.

What if he turns into an abusive husband or something? My mouth was wide opened and my eyebrows were raised. I couldn't even speak of the shock.

I ran upstairs locking my self in one of the rooms, and slid my back onto the door and began to cry.

I held my head in my hands, and sobbed for hours.

I stopped once I heard steps coming closer to the door.

I got up as quick as possible and ran to the bathroom, which had a secret closet, for emergencies.

I locked the three locks on the door and hid behind the boxes.

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