59} Choose Your Weapon

Start from the beginning

"But it's too heavy and I wouldn't be able to use it,"
she added.

"Yeah, totally,"
Ray muttered.

"So I think I prefer the bow and arrows we got from Sonju.
Those're light, and I have experience using them,"
Emma then said.

"And they'll be useful for hunting too,"
Ray added.

I started to walk away, looking at the weapons. 
I picked up a dagger with a latch that went around my thigh.
I smiled and attached it.

Then I looked for a gun.
I found a light gun that seemed to have a lot of bullets.

I grinned and put it on my back that would sit lovely next to my bow and arrows.
I walked back to Ray and Emma. 

Ray smiled at me while Emma looked at my choice of weapons with curiosity.

"We'll come back alive for sure, okay?"

Emma and I both nodded happily,
"For sure!"


"So food can be obtained like I explained. Make sure to be extra careful when you go hunting or gathering.
I told Don how to do everything,"
I smiled at Gilda, then shot Don a smile as well.

"Okay. We have the garden Anna prepared too. It'll be okay,"
Gilda then smiled.

"Leave it to me!"
Don chuckled.

I then hugged them tightly.
"Be safe and all... okay?"
I said softly.

"Of course, Y/n,"
Gilda smiled, resting her head on my shoulder.
"Anything for the best one out of all of us!"
Don then said.

I chuckled.

Anna then checked my ear, removing the patch and cleaning it.

"The wound on your ear is healing, Y/n. That's good,"
She smiled.

"Thanks, Anna,"
I smiled as she put a new patch on it.

"And everyone else too..."
I muttered, even if they acted as if I wasn't there sometimes...
As if I didn't even exist...
I still love them all.

"No need to thank us. Of course we'll help. We'd all go with you if we could.
Especially Don and Gilda.
They're worried sick and frustrated that they can't go,
But... your decision is correct.
In order for everyone to survive...
It's the best way.
We believe so."


I took a deep breath, we were about to leave.
This goodbye wasn't hard.
Because it wasn't to Norman or Mujika and Sonju.

"Okay. We're off,"
Emma smiled.

"Noooo, Emma!"
They wailed and tackled her into hugs.

Then, I was tackled as well.
By Chris, Jemima, Thoma, Lanni, and Yvette.

I chuckled and hugged them all caringly.
Eh, maybe I was the mother they thought I am.

"If you're hurting, you have to say so. Don't hold it in, okay?"
Emma said softly in response.

"Ray, you too! If it gets dangerous, run!"
they added.

I chuckled and held the five I had protectively.

"You too, Y/n! Be careful, if we lose you. Any of you..."
Lanni muttered.

My eyes widened slightly.
There were so many times... they could've lost me...
And by my own hand.

I hugged them tighter.
"G-Got it."

"Mister, let me say something,"
Gilda then spoke up.

I looked over, still holding on tightly to them.

"Make sure you bring them home safely,"
She said.

Emma asked.

I kissed the foreheads of the five then stood up with Ray and Emma.

"I know this is a dangerous journey. Even for you.
And there might be accidents that cannot be avoided.
I know that. That's why... even if something happens and you decide to come back halfway through...
I need at least one of them to come back here alive,"
she said clearly and demandingly.

"Are you asking for a favor? If so, I have no reason to comply,"
Yuugo replied.

"No, I'm stating my intention. If all Emma, Ray, and Y/n don't come back alive... then I'll blow up this shelter,"
She said, almost glaring at him.

I exclaimed in surprise.

She hugged me, Emma, and Ray tightly.
"Promise me you'll come back safely,
I won't forgive you if even one of you dies!"
she cried.

"I promise, Gilda,"
I smiled, burying my face in her shoulder with an arm around her.


Word Count: 1078

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