"Okay, it's not that bad. It's just a littl-well, pretty red," he tells you, rubbing your ear with his hand while his other rested on your thigh.

You were wearing a dress, and although you loved that dress, you wished to have never worn it.

"Does it sting?" He asks, meeting you in the eyes and you noticed the worry.

You, not wanting to cause anymore trouble, shook your head gently, grabbing his hand to play with. "Not anymore."

He looks at you unsure for a moment, but it quickly changes into a smile. "Well, just be careful next time, okay?"

You nod your head, finding yourself lost in his dark brown orbs for a while.

You loved the fact that he was worried for you. You loved how he immediately reacted even though the situation wasn't that big. Momentarily, you had forgotten all about his question earlier as you both stared each other down, seeming to be trapped in each other's gazes.

His fingers remained comfortably on your ears, still giving them soft rubs.

"You know, you're really pretty with or without makeup," he compliments you, and you feel your stomach churn. Although you were an item, you would still feel flushed and embarrassed whenever Seungmin said such things. You weren't used to him being so sugary with his words and especially towards you.

All your life, you've never seen Seungmin fall so hard for a person, so you never heard words like this come from him. He had made it clear to every one of you that he'd never grown feelings for someone, even the slightest bit.

In school, he was always the quiet boy around people he didn't quite interact with. You had almost every class with him, and whenever you'd be put into different groups for projects, you observed how Seungmin was more of a listener rather than a talker.

In partner projects where the teacher would give you the free choice to pick your own partners, Seungmin would always choose you, despite the multitude of girls and boys asking him to be theirs'.

He'd sit in his chair quietly as students gathered around his place, but you'd soon see him stepping out of the crowd, nearing you with the brightest smile.

You didn't complain. You loved having Seungmin as your partner. People would always stare whenever you and Seungmin were together, wondering how you could get him to even smile when no one in class could. They just haven't seen the other seven.

And you haven't been with your classmates since kindergarten, you moved to their school once high school began. Although you had quickly made friends with almost everyone in the class, some still envied you of your closeness with Seungmin.

No one knew you guys were childhood best friends anyway, so you didn't blame them.

"Stop being so lovey and mushy and stuff," you make a gesture with your hands, expressing slight disgust. "I'm not used to this type of compliment."

He laughs at your reaction for a moment and looks down to the floor, shooting his head back up to look at you before speaking once again.

"Hey, your ear's red."

uhm idk if u got the last part, iz supposed to be a joke cuz she burnt her ear and she's blushing at his words all at once
🤦‍♀️ ik lame
i just spent half my day making face shields for the front-liners of the covid situation.
it was honestly fun to feel like i was helping the nurses and the doctors even in the smallest way possible.
and sry if i say laugh or chuckle too much 😂 i think it's obvi that i like to laugh
and again, here's her outfit: (lol it's kinda blurry, whoops)

and sry if i say laugh or chuckle too much 😂 i think it's obvi that i like to laugh and again, here's her outfit: (lol it's kinda blurry, whoops)

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