25 Knockin' on Heaven's Door

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While Sam and Dean go to the new victim's house, Rose looks at the church. She walks inside and takes place on one of the benches. It brings back so many memories. Of course, things have changed since the last time.

The priest walks up to her: 'It's always nice to see a new face. Are you new in town?'

She looks up: 'Rose, I'm passing through the town. Father...?'

'Reynolds. You are welcome in this church.'

'Thank you.' She looks at the bench before her: 'I must admit that it has been a few years since I've been to one.' It has been way longer, but she couldn't explain that: 'My mother used to go to the church with me, and since she passed away, it has been difficult for me to...' That part is genuine. Her mother taught her how to pray, guided her in her belief, and helped her through some of the most challenging times of her early life; then, she died... and became a vampire. She was too afraid to pray, to be judged.

'That's understandable. If I may ask, what changed your mind?'

She hesitates: 'I saw what happened here in the paper.' She says, and he looks confused. 'Don't misunderstand. It's terrible, but in a way, it reminded me of my mother. Maybe I can find a connection to my past.'

'I'm thankful that it brought you back to us. I pray for them, the victims. They were parishioners of mine; I'd known them for years. Those misguided souls think God's messenger would appear and incite people to murder. It's tragic.'

She nods; this isn't the angel her mother talked about: 'Do you want to pray with me?'

Father Reynolds walks down the steps from the church.

'Well, thank you for talking with me, Father.' Rose says.

'Oh, it's my pleasure. Hope to see you again.'

Rose sees a collection of tribute items at the bottom of the steps: 'Father, can I ask what that's for?'

'Oh, that's for Father Gregory. He was a priest here.'

'Was?' She says: 'Is he... Did he...?'

He nods: 'He passed away right on these steps. He's interred in the church crypt.'

'When did this happen?'

'Two months ago. He was shot for his car keys.' He tells her.

'That's terrible. I'm sorry.'

'Yeah, me too. He was a good friend. I didn't even have time to administer his last rites. But, like I said, it's a tough neighbourhood. Ever since he died, I've been praying my heart out.'

'For what?'

'For deliverance. From the violence and the bloodshed around here. We could use a little divine intervention, I suppose.'

'Maybe we could.' She says: 'Again, thank you. I needed someone to talk to.'

Rose waited for the cover of the dark to return, and now she is looking at Father Gregory's tombstone. It's covered in creeping vines. This is wormwood. It's a plant associated with the dead when they didn't find peace. This is proof that there are no angels involved. It's a spirit seeking justice. She dials a number: 'Sam, I found something.'

'Good, because we didn't find much. He was guilty, and he went to the same church.'

'This is not the work from angels, Sam. It's the spirit of Father Gregory. He was murdered in front of the church.'

'It has to be angels.'

'It's not; all the signs are here.' She says she knows that Sam thinks that he saw an angel. Dean texted her earlier: 'Why do you think I'm wrong.'

'I saw one. An angel, I mean.'

'I see.' She says: 'Come here, and we'll do a séance. It can prove what is correct.'

Dean and Sam leave a small grocery store. Sam is holding a paper sack and smiling: 'Dude. I'll admit we've gone pretty ghetto with spellwork before, but this takes the cake. I mean, a SpongeBob placemat instead of an altar cloth?'

'We'll just put it SpongeBob side down.'

Sam laughs, then stops in shock, staring at something across the street: a young man holding a bunch of flowers; a bright white light glows behind him: 'Dean, that's it.'


'That's the sign.'

'Where?' Dean looks around. He doesn't see anything.

'Right there, right behind that guy! That's him, Dean. And we have to stop him.' Sam wants to go after him.

'Wait a minute.' Dean says, stopping Sam.

'What are you doing? Let me go.'

'You're not going to go kill somebody because a ghost told you to. Are you insane?'

Dean glances at the guy and then back to his brother.

'Dean, please, he's going to hurt someone, you know it.'

'Alright, come on.' He gives Sam the shopping bag.

The young man has gotten into a car and starts it up, pulling away. Dean gets in the driver's side of his car and starts the engine; Sam tries to get in the other side, but the door is locked: 'Dean. Unlock my door.'

'You're not killing anyone, Sam. I got this guy; you go do the séance with Rose.' Dean pulls away, following the young man at a short distance.

Kneeling before Gregory's grave, Sam has the spell materials spread out: a circle of small white candles, a large black candle in the middle, the placemat is SpongeBob side down, and he holds the Journal. He lights the candles, opens John's Journal, and reads.

Rose stands at the side against the wall, watching. She remembers one of the older girls who used to talk about this when she was seven or eight years old. The stories scared her. This was before she knew what was out there. What if this was an angel.

'Amate spiritus obscure

te quaerimus, te oramus

nobiscum colloquere

aput nos circita.'

(Beloved hidden spirit

We seek you; we beg you

Come speak with us

Join our circle.)

He sprinkles some herb on the black candle, which flares once brightly. Rose hears something. Someone is coming over.

It's father Reynolds: 'What are you doing? What is this?'

'Uh, Father, please. I can explain. Um . . . actually, maybe I can't. Um. This is a, a séance.' Sam tells him.

'A séance? Young man, you are in the House of God.'

'I promise that it's important.' Rose tries.

'And It's based on early Christian rites, if that helps any.' Sam adds.

'Enough. You're coming with me.' He turns around.

Rose doesn't move, nor does Sam: 'Father, please, you, just wait for a second!'

As Father Reynolds pulls Sam to the exit, a familiar bright glow builds behind him. They turn, Father Reynolds in awe and Sam in disappointment. Rose understood the misunderstanding; there was never an angel here.

'Oh my God! Is that ... is that an angel?'

'No, it's not. It's just Father Gregory.' Sam acknowledges.

The bright glow dims and coalesces to reveal a young, handsome priest: 'Thomas?'

The priest answers: 'I've come in answer to your prayers.'

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