16 Dreams

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Dean and Sam sit in their motel room. Rose walks in: 'I have something for the both of you.' She says and lays a strong, dark waved bracelet next to each of them.

'What is it?' Dean asks.

'It holds vervain for protection.' Rose replies.

'Why?' Sam asks.

'Why not?'

Sam is fast asleep. When he wakes up, he looks wildly around him, breathing heavily. Rose opens the door: 'Did something happen? Are you alright?'

'We need to wake up Dean and get on the road.' He says: 'I think I had a vision or something, and It was a case. Dean killed someone.' Sam shakes his brother awake: 'Wake up, I have a case now.' Sam starts packing. It isn't much.

Dean looks up, and Rose, who stands at the door, motions him to wake up faster. She doesn't know what it is. She goes outside. Sam meets her at the car. 'Are you ok?' She asks him.

'Uhm, yes.'

'What if it isn't him? You know...' Rose looks panicked but tries to hide it. She fails.

'You mean Ri....'

'Don't say his name.' She hisses.

'Ok, but I thought you said he was dead.'

'But so am I, Sam.'

Dean drives, and Sam sits next to him. Rose follows in her own car. 'These are the only towns in the US named Rivergrove.'

'How come you're so sure it's the one in Oregon?'

Sam goes over the vision in his mind: 'There was a picture. Crater Lake.'

'Ok, what else?'

'I saw a dark room, some people, and a guy tied to a chair.'

'And I ventilated him?'

Sam answers: 'Yeah. You thought there was something inside him.'

'What, a demon? Was he possessed?'

'No... I don't think so....'

'Well, all your weirdo visions are always tied to the yellow-eyed demon somehow . . . so was there any black smoke?' Dean gets impatient. He wouldn't do it if he wasn't sure.

'No, nothing, you just plugged him, that's it.'

'Well, I'm sure I had a good reason.'

'I sure hope so.' Sam says.

'Sam, what does that mean? I mean, I'm not going to waste an innocent man.' Dean says: 'Come on, I wouldn't!'

'I never said you would!'

There is a pause until Dean says: 'Did she say something? She thinks I'm going to do it?'

'No.... Rose has theories.'

'So...' He is tired of these secrets. He wants to trust her, but with what happened. And now this? There is something; his brother is the only reason he hasn't pushed for answers.

'She didn't want to talk about it.'

'I'm sure she told you.' Dean says. Sam sighs, and Dean looks at him: 'She did. It was a joke.'

'Look, we don't know what it is. We know that guy in the chair's a part of it. So, let's find him and see what's what.'

'Fine.' Why is he left out?

Rose stands in front of a telephone pole. Sam and Dean walk up to her.

'We're up to Aspen way; it's apparently someone called Duane Tanner.' He sees her staring at something carved in the pole: 'Croatoan.'

'Yeah, what's it doing here.' She says: 'It's a bad omen.'

Dean laughs: 'It's only a word.'

'Roanoke? Lost colony? Ring a bell? Dean, did you pay any attention in history class?

'Yeah! Shots heard 'round the world, how bills become laws . . .'

Sam corrects him: 'That's not school; that's Schoolhouse Rock.'

'It was one of the first English colonies in America, the late 1500s?' Rose explains, interrupting the brothers

'Oh yeah, yeah, I do remember that. The only thing they left behind was a single word carved into a tree. Croatoan.' Dean says.

Sam nods: 'Yeah. And I mean, there were theories — Indian raid, disease, but nobody knows what really happened. They were all just gone. I mean, wiped out overnight.'

'None of them proven.'

'That's not what's going on here.' Dean says, sounding relieved.

Rose turns around: 'It's way worse.'

With no signal, there isn't anyone they can ask for help. Duane Tanner isn't home. He is on a fishing trip. His father acted suspiciously when they asked about his wife, which was a little disturbing. 'There is something off about this.' Dean says.

Sam nods. Rose says: 'Absolutely.'


They try to walk casually, and at one of the windows, Rose hears the younger boy talk: 'It's ok, Mom. It's not going to hurt.' She signs they're all in there, the kitchen. Mr Tanner comes out of the next room with a kitchen knife. Jake stands in front of his mother and casually rolls up one sleeve; his father cuts into his arm and lets the blood drip onto a wound in his mother's shoulder.

Sam and Dean arm themselves. Rose kicks down the back door. As they rush in, handguns raised, Mr Tanner runs at them with a knife; Rose grabs him and breaks his neck. Jake jumps out the window, shattering glass, and darts into the woods. Dean aims at him through the window but hesitates, giving him time to escape. Rose looks back and sees Sam talking to the woman left in a mess. Beverly is scared, Sam tries to calm her down, but Rose is surprised the woman isn't screaming.

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