17 World Gone Mad

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Rose looks up; Dean and Sam help Beverly out of the car. She follows the brothers in the clinic.

'Hello? Hello? We need a doctor!' Sam yells.

A young woman rushes into view: 'Mrs. Tanner, what happened?

'She's been attacked.' Sam answers.

'Doctor Lee?'

The doctor comes, surprised at what she sees, but she hides it well: 'Bring her in.'

Dean comes closer with the man.

'Is that Mr Tanner. Was he attacked as well?' The doctor asks.

'Uh . . . no, actually, he did the attacking, and then he... died.' Dean explains.

'He's dead?'


'And who are you?'

'U.S. Marshal. I'd show you my badge, but uh . . .' Dean tells the doctor, who then signs to follow him.

Rose walks further, staying away from where Sam and Beverly went. She finds an empty room. Dean walks into the room, and Sam follows.

'Those guys were whacked out of their gourds.' Dean says.

Sam nods: 'What do you think? Multiple demons, mass possession?'

'If it is a possession, there could be more. I mean, God knows how many....'

Rose goes to stand with them: 'It's not possession. They're... sick. I don't know another way to put it.'

Dean looks at her: 'Ok, what do you mean by that? Is that a theory?'

'No.' she says: 'If evil could be a disease, then this is it.' She looks at Dean, it bothers him that she hasn't told him anything, but she confides in his brother. She wants to say that she is sorry, but she turns away. There were no usual signs with Mr Tanner, no demon smoke, nothing. It will spread. If you would have taken out the other one.' She tells Dean: 'There'd be one less to worry about.'

He hesitates: 'Guess killing is more difficult for us than it is for you.' He scoffs and walks away.

Sam looks at her disapprovingly. He follows his brother.

Rose leaves the room. She sees Sam and asks: 'What's the plan?'

'Dean wants to drive to the next town to call in help. Why did you do that? You didn't have to be so harsh.'

'It's his fault.' She says in a cold tone, but she knows he is right. 'I know. It's that virus. It scares me.'

'There is sulfur in their blood.' He tells her: 'And now we have to see if she has it too.'

'I never thought Croatan would be real.' She whispers. She always hoped it wouldn't be.

They start walking: 'You know the story.'

Rose just nods and goes into the room where Sam came out.

'I don't understand. Are you saying my husband and Jake had a disease?' Beverly Tanner asks the doctor.

'That's what we're trying to find out. Now, during the attack, do you remember . . . did you have any direct contact with their blood?'

'Oh, my God. You don't think I've got this virus, do you?'

'Beverly, I don't know what to think. With your permission, we'll take a blood sample.'

Rose looks at the doctor: 'If you're ok with it, then I can do it.' She uses compulsion, so the doctor nods. Beverly nods, but when Rose comes closer, Beverly attacks. Rose holds the woman by her wrists. The way she acts, the crazy eyes. The doctor looks at them, and Rose does the only thing she knows is right and breaks Beverly's neck.

'What happened here.' Sam says when he follows Dean inside.

'She did the right thing.' A man says: 'She killed the infected one. My name is Mark.' He offers her his hand.

She takes it and stands up: 'Rose.'

'How can this be good?' The doctor asks.

'Was there a cure? Is there a way to heal it?' Dean asks.

'No, I don't even know what it is....'

A guy called Duane arrives; Rose notices he is bleeding. The others are questioning where he comes from and what he knows: 'You're wounded.' She says, making it sound clean, like a statement. Everyone is silent, but only for a moment.

Sam whispers to Dean: 'That's him' Rose hears it.

'Where did you get that?' Dean asks.

'I was running. I must have tripped.'

'Is there any rope? We have to tie him up.' Dean says.


Dean pulls his gun, and Mark comes with the rope: 'I'm sorry, Duane. We need to be careful.'

'Did they bleed on you?' Dean continues.

'What, no...'

Rose looks at Duane and Dean, who holds his hand on his gun: 'He deserves to be tested. Maybe he isn't infected.'

Rose, Dean and Sam stand in an empty room: 'This is my vision. It's happening.' Sam tells them.

'Yeah, I figured.' Dean replies.

'You can't kill him, all right? Not yet. We don't know if he's infected or not.' Sam says.

'Well, I think we're pretty damn sure. Guy shows up out of nowhere, he got a cut on his leg, his whole family's infected?' Dean says.

'I don't know.' Rose says, but she regrets it immediately.

'Oh, why don't you tell us? what's your reasoning?' Dean glares at her: 'Care to explain, or are you just going to tell Sam.'

'Have you figured the other thing out?' Sam asks.

'It has nothing to do with this case. When I have a signal, I'll check.' She intertwines her fingers: 'I'll tell you more about it afterwards. I promise.' She knows she must. It's the right thing to do: 'Dean, maybe you're right. In my life, killing became too easy; the more you do it, the easier it gets. But killing someone innocent takes something away from yourself, something you cannot just recover from. It makes you less human.'

Rose Miller: Looking for truthNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ