7 Cold as Ice

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Rose stands in front of a metal trap door. Dean and Sam come to stand beside her.

'It was buried.'

'This must be it.' Sam says, sounding relieved. Rose opens it. Dean is the first to go down into the sewers. Sam is next, and Rose follows.

The pipes are narrow, and they crawl through them. Rose listens carefully. They're going in the right direction.

'Hey!' Dean shouts and fires his gun, sending Holmes flying backwards. 'Jo.'

'I'm here.' She answers.

Dean starts trying to break her out.

Sam looks through an opening: 'We're going to get you out of here, all right?'

'Move.' Rose commends Dean. He listens, and she uses her strength to create an opening. Jo starts making her way out.

Rose goes on and tries to find Teresa. She looks scared: 'Get her out of here.' She tells Sam: 'We'll handle the rest.' Sam hesitates but nods.

Rose goes to where Dean is when he finds Jo. 'Are you all right?' He asks Jo.

'Been better. Let's get the hell out of here before he comes back.'

'Actually, I don't think we're leaving just yet.' Rose says, now standing with them.

Jo looks up: 'What?'

'Remember when I said you being bait was a bad plan? Now it's kind of the only one we got.' Dean explains to Jo.

Jo sits alone, silently, in the middle of the chamber. She has her arms wrapped around her knees and is trembling but breathing deeply and steadily. Holmes appears behind her. He walks forward.

When he is close enough. 'Now!' Dean yells.

Jo jumps forward while Rose makes sure all the bags fall from the sealing and spill salt in a perfect circle around Holmes, trapping him. Dean pulls Jo to safety as Holmes circles, gibbering and screaming in terror. When Rose sees he is trapped, she follows behind the others.

Sam and Dean are talking with Jo.

'So? This job as glamorous as you thought it would be?' Sam asks.

'Well, except for all the pee-your-pants terror, yeah. Sure. But that Teresa girl's going to live a life because of us. It's worth it, isn't it?'

'Yeah. Yeah, it is.' Dean says.

'Hey, what if somebody finds that sewer down there, or a storm washes the salt away?' Jo asks.

'Both great points. Which is why we're waiting here.' Sam says. And that's when Rose arrives on the scene. She compels the man from the cement mixer to cover up the trap door. After that, she makes him forget, and he leaves again.

'You ripped off a cement truck?' Jo asks Rose.

'I borrowed it, and the man came with it.' Rose shrugs her shoulders.

Rose drives her car; Sam sits beside her in the passenger seat. They're following the impala with Dean, Jo and her mother, Ellen.

'I must say I don't want to be in Dean's shoes now.' Sam says.

'Because he has Ellen in the car, and she is furious?'

'Yes.' Sam says. He says, silent for a moment; after a moment, he asks: 'You never told me where you knew the original doppelgänger from?' Rose stiffens up. 'If you don't mind me asking about it?'

'It's fine. It's only a bit strange. You see Richard, he was my husband. An arranged marriage.' She explains: 'I don't like talking about him, but it was long ago.'

He waits a minute before asking: 'Is that why you don't want Dean to know about this?'

'A big reason, but we'll probably have to tell him eventually. I don't know how; I hope I'll figure it out.'

'I can understand that.'

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