24 Down on Love

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Sam and Dean drive back to the motel. 'And does it change things now that she is back?' Sam asks.

'What?' Dean says, trying to ignore it. He is not up for this conversation.

Sam sighs: 'Come on.'

'You mean now Rose is back, and then what?'

'Now that you kissed her, she left, but now....' Sam says, a little impatient.

'And now nothing.' Dean answers. 'She came to talk to me just before you returned from the psychiatry thing. Said she wanted to leave because she thought it would be safer for us.'

'And do you think that's true?'

'How am I supposed to know.' Dean says, annoyed: 'If she said it, it must be why.' He hits the side of the steering wheel. Or is she not telling him the entire truth?

Dean and Sam arrive back at the motel. Sam pulls off his jacket and sees Rose lying on the bed. She fell asleep on top of the covers. She opens her eyes: 'Oh, you're back. Did you find something?' She sits up and starts to wake up: 'Did he do something?' She asks about that guy that was murdered.

'Yes, he did.' Sam says, and he explains what they found.

'I tell you, it isn't an angel.' Dean says.

'It could be possible.' Sam says and turns to Rose: 'What do you think?'

Her phone rings: 'It doesn't matter. I will answer; I'll be back in a few minutes.' She glances at Dean and walks out.

'Damon.' She answers while looking back. She hates this situation. She wants to talk to Dean but doesn't know what to say.

'Rose, can you call Stefan for me?'

'What?' She answers Damon.

'Call my brother.' Damon replies: 'Talk to him, ask him a question for me.'

'Yeah, I understood, but why not call yourself?'

'Because he will answer the phone if you call.'

She thinks about it: 'No, he isn't it.' She decides: 'I'm not going to try if you want to talk to him, then you'll do it yourself.'

'Ok. Damon says: 'It was worth a try.'

It takes longer for Rose to come back than she said. Dean is asleep, and Sam isn't, like usual. He is researching: 'Is everything alright?' He asks her.

She nods: 'Damon called.'

'What does he want?'

'For me to call his brother.' She answers, and he frowns: 'It doesn't matter, I'm not going to.'

'Are you ok?' He asks and looks at his brother: 'And with him.'

'Sam.' She thinks about it. He is easier to talk to sometimes. She should tell Dean what's happening, even if she finds it difficult. 'It's a strange case this time. It makes me uncomfortable.'

'You don't think it could be angels?'

She hesitates: 'I don't want it to be. I'm afraid that if they're real, that....'

'They would judge you for what you are?'

'Yes, I try to be more than what I am, but what if I cannot do enough good to erase the bad. It sounds stupid, I know.'

'It doesn't, not at all.'

Dean sits on the edge of the bed with a police radio in hand, listening. He looks painfully bored. Sam and Rose walk in, discussing what they could do next: 'We found something.'

'I've got something as well.' Dean says: 'But you go first.'

'Three students have disappeared off the college campus in the last year. All of them were last seen at the library.' Sam says.

'Where Carl Gully worked?'

'Yes.' Rose says and leans against the wall.

'So, Gloria's angel —' Sam starts.

'Angel?' Dean questions again.

'What this thing is. Angel or not....' Sam continues.

Dean sighs: 'Ok, well, whatever it is, it's struck again.'

'What?' Sam asks, almost not believing it.

'I was listening to the police radio before you got here. There was this guy, uh, Zach Smith, some local drunk; he went up to a stranger's front door last night, stabbed him in the heart.' Dean informs them.

'And then I'm guessing he went to the police and confessed?' Sam says.

'Yep. Roma Downey made him do it.' Dean says and takes a piece of paper:.'

Now, I, uh . . . got the victim's address.'

'You two can go see if he had it coming. 'Rose says: 'Do we know to which church the last victim went?'

'Yes, but why?' Dean asks.

'If it has something to do with angels, real or they believe they're real. I can take a look at the church?'

Sam nods: 'That's not such a crazy idea. It's... Our Lady of the Angels?'

'I'll go see if there is anything.'

Rose Miller: Looking for truthKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat