"Heaven?" Ronnie interrupts my thoughts. Her head is peeking through the door but the rest of her body is not inside my room.

"Hey , I didn't see you there."

"I figured." She says and comes in completely. "I knocked but you didn't answer." She continues.

"I didn't hear you."

"Um they wanted me to check if you needed food."

I shake my head. "I'm not hungry." I tell her.

"I figured that as well." She says awkwardly then attempts to live but I stop her. I don't know who's more shocked by my action , me or her.

"Are you sure?" She asks , stunned by the fact that I asked he to stay. Why did I do that?

"Yes. Come sit with me." I don't want to be alone and Ronnie is not a bad person so I guess I could use her company.

"Do you wanna talk about where you were?" She asks abruptly.

"No." I snap.

"Oh , sorry." She apologizes immediately and I find myself regretting the way I spoke to her.

"No I'm the one who's sorry."

She reaches into the pocket of her jeans and takes out her phone which she hands over to me.

"Why are you giving me this?" I ask as I take the phone.

"I know dad took your phone and I don't really use mine so you can use it until you get yours back." I stare at her wondering how she can possibly give me her cell phone but as I look into her eyes I can see she's dead serious. I tear my gaze away from her , I don't wanna read her mind , I don't wanna become one of them.

"Wow thank you."

"Oh don't worry about it. I don't even know how to use it most times." I'm not surprised because it's one of those iPhones. "But I'm sure you will figure I out and you will also need to talk to your boyfriend." She adds and I blush. It's such a thoughtful act from someone I'm only nice to a handful of times.

"You sure you won't need your phone?" I feel the need to ask even though I'm overjoyed by the fact that she just lent me her phone.

"Yes. I prefer reading and if I need to use the internet I can just use one of the computers at the library."


"I work at the local library." She goes on to tell me about her job which apparently she started last year. Wow I'm a terrible sister , I never knew she had a job or that she loved reading so much. But then again I never took the time to know Ronnie I was always indifferent to her when she's always been kind and sweet. I suddenly feel ashamed , she doesn't deserve my poor attitude and maybe I should change.

Ronnie has fallen asleep on my shoulder but I don't mind. I'm not sleepy yet so I'm still playing with Ronnie's phone. It's not very different from mine so I don't find it hard to use it. I notice the Google application and decide to look up something that's been bugging me. My heart is furiously beating as I type the word nonhuman.

Many articles pop up so I just click on the first one. There are so many definitions. Sirens , witches , vampires , demons and even angels all fall under nonhumans. Apparently it's people with nonhuman qualities like unusual gifts and powers. The following article says nonhumans are just a myth and that no such thing exist. One says they were real during the eighteenth century but were destroyed and are now extinct. I keep on reading and even click on the images. The images are a bit scary and definitely not human. I only stop looking when I receive the notification that the phone is about to shut off due to the battery being low. I swift it off and lie next to Ronnie. I know it will probably be hours before I sleep but I just close my eyes non the less.

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