The Offer

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"So.....This is the place?" Jack asked, examining the building.

"Yep." I answered, my eyes wandering around the entire building too.

"It's HUGE!" He stared and formed an 'o' with his mouth. His eyes widen.

"What'd you expect from a music company?"

"I dunno. What're you asking me for? C'mon let's go."

We both entered the building front doors and head to the reception table. The receptionist looked away from the computer, "Hello, I'm Katie Stanford and I will be your receptionist for today. How may I help you?" She greeted politely.

"Um, we're looking for..." I paused. "Psst Jack. What's his name again?" I whispered.

"Uh I think it was...Dean Hilton?" He whispered back.

"Thanks." I turned back to the receptionist.

"Dean Hilton." I said proudly, acting as if I really knew his name in the first place.

"Do you mean Mason Hilton? Because that's his brother's name." I could feel my cheeks warming up. Oh great. Now I'm embarrassed because of Jack.

"Yes yes. So where is he?" Oooh Jack's getting impatient.

"Do you have an appointment with Mr. Mason?"

"Actually we do. He called our principle earlier and said to meet him in his studio 3 PM sharp."

"Okay you may go in now." We both sighed in relief. FINALLY!

"If, you give me your names. " Why I outta give this-

"Jack Frost and Elsa Bukater. Now can we please just go inside?!" Jack snapped, slamming his palms on the counter. 'Katie' jumped a bit.

"Okay. You may go in now."

But just as I was about to lift a foot...

"Okay please fill out this form and then you may-"

"Listen here #$^&$*%*#@&@*" Woah woah Elsa language!

"No. No. And no. Need me to spell it out for you? N.O. NO! NO! NO!" He took my hand and dragged me to the elevator while my feet swayed with the carpet roughly.

Just keep calm, just keep calm... Dori, thanks for your song.

We both looked at the Level Board beside the elevator. He's in level 8. Room 3-A.

We stepped inside the elevator and Jack pressed the Level 8 button. We both listened to some really boring elevator music on our way up.

An awkward silence follows.

Then the elevator doors opened and...

"Ahh! Jack Frost! Elsa Bukater! You came!" He exclaimed happily.

"Yeah...So what's it that you wanna talk about?"

He motioned us to sit down before he said,

"What'd you think I call you here for? I'm giving you guys a record deal! A huge one! The way you guys sing, man, my children made it their ring tones and lullabies!'s it?"

"Um I don't think-"

"Think wisely, my dear Elsa. This maybe your only chance to be famous and be heard! Of course you can still go to school. In fact, you could go whenever you like. I won't push you two into ditching school. Just make sure to come back at the right time, sing and go on tours with Mr. Frost here. Because you both are gonna sing together in every song and every performance!"

"Um please Mr. Mason. We'll give you an answer tomorrow soon. But in the meantime, we'll think about the offer first. We still have to discuss it with our parents and teachers. It would be wrong if we just bail on them like that." I said, speaking like a true businesswoman.

"Okay. Deal. Here's my card. The deal dues until until tomorrow night. Till then...Chow!" He shooshed us to the elevator doors. Rude.


"Okay." I turned my head to Jack.

"Okay." I said.

"Let's go home." He said, walking lazily with a hunchback to his private limo. "Agreed." I followed him, with a hunchback too.

Yes, we rode a limo here. Surprised? I think not...Jack's crazy rich remember?

~End Chapter~

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