Music Class Part 2

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I groaned annoyingly.

We had to sing.

Together. And I mean with our partner.

Man! Destiny, stop shipping us!

I watched as every couple sing emotionally and got off the stage. Some girls winked and waved at me while getting back to their seats. I did nothing but gave them all small waves. Most girls squeal and shriek when I do that to them. Girls.

I'm literally dying of boredom right now. The worst part is, I can't use my powers at school whenever I'm desperately in need of fun.

Cause who would've thought behind that gorgeous face of a boy and the son of multimillionaire, Aidan Frost, is a freak in disguise. A freak with white hair that came along with his powers. But they're not that all bad. In fact, they're gorgeous. Just like mom...sigh..

Then it was me and Elsa's turn to sing. We discussed quietly what we were going to sing and then we both made our minds. We went up in front of class and picked our instruments to use while singing. I chose to play the piano while Elsa chose to only sing. But Miss Arianna doesn't allow students to sing solos so I had to sing with Elsa. Elsa gave me a piece of paper and it had some kind of lyrics on it.

She told me to just play along according to her singing.

So we started to sing.

(Jack is BOLD and Elsa is italics. BOLD and italics are both-> Jelsa)

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen.
A kingdom of isolation and it looks like, I'm the queen.
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside.
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried.

Don't let them in, don't let them see.
Be the good 'girl' you always have to be.
Conceal don't feel. Don't let them know.
Well now they know!

Let it go! Let it go!
Can't hold it back anymore!
Let it go! Let it go!

Turn away and slam the door!
I don't care! What they're going to say!
Let the storm rage on.
'The cold never bothered me anyway'

~Piano Music by Me~

It's funny how some distance, makes everything seem small.
And the fears that once controlled me, can't get to me at all!

It's time to see what I can I do.
To test the limits and break through.
No right, no wrong.
No rules for me.
I'm free!

Let it go! Let it go!
I am one with the wind and sky!
Let it go! Let it go!
You'll never see me cry!

Here I stand, and here I'll stay!
Let the storm rage on.

~Piano Music~ Wow I'm good at this!

My power flurries through the air into the ground!
My soul is spiralling in frozen fractals all around!
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast!

I'm never going back!
The past is in the past!

Let it go! Let it go!
And I'll rise like the break of dawn!
Let it go! Let it go!
That perfect 'girl' is gone!

Here I stand! In the light of day!
Let the storm rage on!

''The cold never bothered me anyway'


And done. Wow were we that bad? The whole class was just quiet and silent. Basically they're both the same, right? Yep. And I literally could hear cricket sounds.

Just then one student stood up and started to clap. Then another. And another. Eventually the whole class and I guess the whole school clapped in huzzah!

Except Tooth and Punzie. Tooth stopped her friends from cheering.

"Woo! Amazing! Go Jelsa!" "Nice ship name Sean!" We both blushed hard. Everyone started cheering and clapping.

"Woohoo! Great singing guys! Nice voices!"

"Beautiful! Just Beautiful!"

"Way to go guys! Awesome singing!"

"Elsa! Will you go out with me?"

"Jack! That just made me want you more!!!"

"We love you guys! WOOHOO! Go Jelsa..Go Jelsa.." A kid started dancing awkwardly. His hands were fists(the good kind) and spun them in a semi circle over and over. "Liam!" A girl was blushing madly while she cupped her cheeks.

"How can you two sing together like that so perfectly?" I glanced at Miss Arianna. She was crying tears of joy.

"We-we just..." We glanced at each other and smiled. "We just can."

"Dear goodness! I'm think I'm gonna..." Then she passed out.

"Miss White are you okay?!"

"Hahaha..." We both laughed uncontrollably.

~End of Chapter~

I don't think I can't count that as a jelsa moment, what'd you guys think?



Second head leader and loyal member of the International Jelsa Forever Club.

Peace yo!


It's Eternal (Jelsa)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora