The Beginning of A Twist

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My thighs pushed together in a second and my cheeks flushed a deep crimson red.

I stood and saw an old patient trying to sit on a wheelchair.

Immediately I grabbed his green hospital dress and put it on.

I gasped, relieved.

But then I remembered something............

Hospital dresses don't have backs.


"Eeeek!!!" I turned and saw a nurse shouted.

I embarrassingly grabbed my dress tightly and looked back at them for a second then ran away.

But only one thing came across my mind that time. The girl's name.

For all I know, the girl's name is Ems.

As soon as I got home, apparently, nobody was there.

But of course I cried my heart out.

"Please, just, please! Somebody, anybody! Please let me go back in time, just to make sure I didn't make a bad impression of myself! Or even humiliated myself in front of those, those...people! Especially in front of Jack! Please, I'll do anything! Anything, I promise!" I yelled on top of my lungs.

At that time, I didn't even care if the neighbors think I was crazy or that I desperately need to be put in a special asylum, all I wished was to go back in time. The idea of going back was the only thing that had come to mind when I got home.

Sure, it'll never happen, I assumed.

I know it's silly and crazy to wish for something like that. But I had no choice. I was literally desperate for a miracle to happen.

I had to find a way to take it all back, one way or another.

But little did I know........that my wish came true.


Was that even a cliffhanger? :3


So how was it? Did I do good? Was that okay? Was I okay?


Sorry for not updating in a while, horrible biz was going on


You guys don't know how much of a number of readers I've lost since that last least they didn't die or something. Cause that would've effect me...literally


I'm gonna be honest heart to heart with you guys..............I like the votes I get. Not because they make me proud, but because they actually make me feel like it was worth writing this story...To use all the time that I have spent on writing this story, worthwhile. So votes are definitely valuable and precious to me...I'm seriously not lying to all of you .


I...I think the main reason that I write stories is because that's what wattpad's users encouraging me to do. And not because I know how to write...So this story's probably gonna be deleted soon.


I honestly have a lot of ideas in mind about this story...The plot twists, the twist and turns, everything....I've already planned out the perfect fate for Elsa and Jack in this fanfiction....but I'm just worried...that no one will be there when I have finished.

So all I could say is...My hellos are gonna turn goodbyes soon. Probably.


I'm sure that some of you(maybe all of you) aren't reading this. But that's okay, cause even I know how life's like....


So goodbye to all of you and have a happy new year! And by new year I mean year 2015! Don't forget to write 2015 instead of 2014 bros!


I won't be updating until I get 10-20 votes for this chapter.... ^^^

I'm out! ;D

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