The Fight For Him

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"Elsa?" I asked myself. She was pinned to the wall by Toothiana. Or as she told me to call her, Tiana. She was being held back by her friends but she struggled and broke free from them. I kept my distance from them, enough to hear what they were saying. They couldn't see me but I could see them.

"Who the heck do you think you are?! His girlfriend?! Stay away from Jack! HE'S MINE AND ONLY MINE!" Tiana yelled, pushing Elsa's left shoulder. Elsa just glared at her and didn't respond.

"Say something, you slut!" It took everything I had to not march in there and slap her right in her not so pretty little face.

"What'd you just call me?!" Elsa finally responded. Angrily. Her eyes were turning from normal to electric blue. Uh oh...Not good.

"You heard me slut!" Just as she was about to slap her, Elsa as fast as lightning caught her arm before she could. "Wrong move." She sneered.

Elsa gritted her teeth before judo flipping Tiana and threw her across the hall. Everyone gasped. "What the frost?!" I immediately made my way to her and pressed her to the floor to calm her down. Her eyes turned back to normal.

"J-Jack?" She said weakly.

"It's me Elsa. I'm here. Don't worry." I said, patting her hair.

"What happened?" We both glanced at Tiana. Her friends were helping her up.

"I don't know. You-" I was cut off by Tiana's sudden outburst.

"I said ow!...I said stay away from him SLUT! He's mine! How many times do I have to tell you?!" Her hands turned into fists.

"Shut up Tooth! Crystal take her home!" She nodded and dragged Tiana away. And with that, they were both out of sight.

I looked back at Elsa. I helped her up. She buried her head into my chest and started to cry. "Jack I think I'm gonna head home now. Tell Miss Erinne I'm not well or something. I'm sure she'll understand. I'm not really in the mood for any learning today." She sobbed. We broke apart.

"Sure. Get some rest okay?" I said before Elsa faced the other way and left.

I sighed before walking to my class. I sat down in my seat and paid attention to the teacher talking. But I just couldn't stop thinking about this particular girl with platinum blonde hair.

~~~~End Chapter~~~~

Hey guys, so I ended the chapter early cause I'm too lazy to write more. Meh, me and my laziness... But in the next chapter will be Elsa's Pov and maybe just maybe someone else's too. Elsa will have a major tantrum in her bedroom cause she failed to control her anger with Tooth. Anna rushes home when she heard about the fight with Tooth and Elsa and bla bla bla.... bye guys! See you on the next chappie!

By the way, no pizza for you guys cause the pizza maker was attacked by an army of hungry humans. He's in the hospital right now trying desperately to survive. Stay strong Fred mah man!

Oh yeah and he's the one handling the flashback music and stuff. He's probably gonna take a long break from his job though. Since I'm his boss...

Peace and I'm out! :P


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