Conceal, Don't Feel

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After a few weeks...


I went to school as usual, avoiding Jack. This time I made sure I went with my mom in her car in order to stay away from You-Know-Who (Don't ever think about Voldemort..hehe)...

Those warnings shot me real bad. I really don't want to stay away from Jack but what can I do? She's mean and super rich. That's what I heard from her friends...I'm the exact opposite of her. Not to be braggy or anything.

At least I have Punzie and her friends right? I dunno...

When I arrived at school, I sprinted towards my locker and opened it. I kept my unneeded books away and looked at my schedule.

Wow I can't believe I'm that early.. 2 hours before Music Class starts.. I looked around for Jack just in case he's there but no..Good.

I decided to go to the library and work on my song which is called 'Let it Go'.. I just started two weeks ago and so far I just have this...

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen.
A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I'm the queen.

The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside.
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried.

Don't let them in. Don't let them see.
Be the good girl you always have to be.

Conceal, don't feel. Don't let them know.
Well now they know!

Let it go! Let it go!
Can't hold it back anymore!
Let it go! Let it go!
Turn away and slam the door!

I don't care! What they're going to say!

And...that's it. Not much tho.. I used my powers as my inspiration but seemed painful to me... Because how can I ever let it go?

--2 hours later--

I kept working on the song until I heard the bell ring. "Time to go to class." I muttered.


I went out through the library doors and surprise surprise! I knocked into Jack.

"Watch where you're- Elsa? Elsa! Are you okay? Are you fine? Are you alright? What happened to you that day? Were you sick?" He shot me questions quickly.

"Woah calm your tits down Jack!" Wow he really cares about me..That's really sweet of him. But no, I still can't befriend him.

"I-I was fine! Now don't talk to me."

I ran away, leaving an upset and confused Jack behind. I'm sorry Jack.


Ugh this guilt's killing me!

Wow this is only the first year that I'm here and a lot of mess has happened non-stop...All this thinking gives me a massive headache.


"What's her deal? Why'd she turn all angry and strong? Why does she try to avoid to talk to me? Did I do something wrong?" I am so confused.

Tiana was really jealous and angry. Elsa and I aren't dating. Why did she have to go all crazy jealous like that?


"Hey Jack! Whatcha thinking deep for about?" It's Eugene and the boys. Or should I say, 'The Impossible Dream Boys' Yep. That's our group name. Andy's girlfriend, Elena, came up with it yesterday when she was watching Andy playing basketball with us.

Andy threatened us to just go with it or he'll sneak up into every one of us's house and... let's just say, we will NOT look good the next day. You won't be surprised that Hiccup's in it too cause he's really one of the dreams of the girls. Though he's a 24/7 bookworm and nerd...

"Nothing. And I'm warning you guys, don't say I'm thinking about Elsa. Or else..*puts up fist*" They nodded together in fear. They knew I was athletic and stuff.

"K. Let's go to class. What class do you guys have?"

"English. Glad I can be with Elena." I rolled my eyes. "Save that for romantic talk later..."

"History. With Eugene." It was Hiccup. They brofisted each other.

"Music..." Zayn said boringly. I sighed in relief. "You're coming with me." Zayn still put up a boring face. "Sigh...Cindy's in it too" His face lit up like a light bulb.

Home Economics, Algebra, Science, Math and bla bla bla... I was pretty jealous to the ones who had free period. Lucky them.

Then we walked our separate ways. Me and Zayn went to our's and sat with each other at the back. Then I realized a girl was reading a book quietly beside me. Elsa.

Ugh I cann't believe she's in this class too! I really don't wanna see her right now cause I'm still upset...She hasn't noticed me yet.

This was gonna be a long class...

~~~End Chapter~~~

I think there's no Author's note for this chappie...Oh well.

Bye bye! ;)


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