Meet The Big Five

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After what felt like forever, Punzie finally stopped being a lecturer towards Hiccup and looked at me again. She then pointed at a girl with big frizzy red hair and said her name was Merida. She looked tomboy-ish. Merida smiled at me and I smiled back.

Then she moved her finger towards a guy who was picking his nose secretly. Gross.

"Eugene! Stop that! That's disgusting!" Punzie said, grossed out too.

"What? This? All men do that." The guy with a goatee said, smirking proudly.

"Pssh whatever. It's still gross. And last but not least Jackson Overland Frost!" Punzie exclaimed, opening her arms at Jack. Who was drinking at a drinking faucet the whole time.

"Jack! You said you wanna talk about-!" I shouted, startling him. He choked on his drink and spat it on the wall in front of him.

"What the heck?! *cough* *cough* Oh, you. " Jack said, looking at me and shook his head slowly. "The next time you wanna talk, make sure I'm not really 'busy' doing something..*cough*." He said, wiping his mouth with his sweatshirt's sleeve.

"Sorry." I said, making a not-so-sorry face.

"You guys know each other?" Punzie asked, raising a brow. "Yeah, he's actually the first person I met in this school. We met on the bus. I sat down beside him" I answered. I saw a glimpse of anger in Punzie's face as I said that but faded off instantly. Wonder why.

"Well, I guess this means you guys want some alone time to talk right?" Punzie asked. Me and Jack nodded.

"Mkay. If anything, we'll just be in that empty class over there. But don't take too long. Understood?" Punzie warned me. Again, wonder why.

I quickly nodded my head.

"C'mon Eugene, Hic. Hic? HICCUP!" Punzie looked impatient.

"W-what?" Oh okay. Let's go." Hiccup said, looking up and walked away. Still reading the book.

"*Facepalm* Man that guy's got some serious issues." Punzie said as she turned around and walked away with Eugene.

So I'm alone..with Jack. Again.

"Soo.." I said, wanting to start the conversation.

"Okay. First things first. Don't ever and I mean ever startle me like that again. Understand?" He said raising a finger in front of me. I nodded instantly at his almost scary face.

"Okay. Where was I? Oh yeah. I came back to school and met a group of guys. On the first day! I- " He happily exclaimed.

"And got beaten up on the first day.." I cut him off, smirking.

"Do you always rain on people's parade..?" Jack asked, annoyed. I just rolled my eyes.

"As I was saying, I met them and found out that Hiccup and Eugene were in it too. One day, the jocks came back to finish their 'unfinish business'. But luckily, my group, Eugene, Andy, Zayn and the others knew about my legs and fought for me. Except Hiccup. He too was scared of them as he had been through the same like me. Only it was because Hiccup didn't do Enrique's homework. They won and Enrique & his gang finally left me alone." Jack's face softened.

"So how did you meet Punzie's group?" I asked him as soon as he stopped his 'storytelling'.

"That's the thing. I didn't. Hiccup introduced me and Eugene to them. On another note, I think Eugene likes Punzie. He stares at her for almost everyday and only lets Punzie call her Eugene. But for some reason, I notice Punzie always secretly watches me. I can never know if she likes me or something if I don't ask her. And FYI, I'm in three groups in total."

"Wow, what's the third?"

"The Guardians. I joined them since Enrique stopped bullying me. I want to make sure the other kids wouldn't go through what I went through. The pain, it was too unbearable. " Jack explained. He looked as though he is on the verge of crying. He had a heart after all.

"Hey it's okay. It's okay." I paused.

"Mind me asking, but what're their names? I wanna see them, ya know, to" What a dumb reason. At least he looked convinced?

"North Polera, Aster Benson, Sanderson Aka Sandy Dreams, Me and...Toothiana Fairia." Jack paused at Toothiana. I was glad he didn't ask me to get protection from what though. Cause that was just an excuse...(' ',)

"That doesn't make sense. Toothiana's a bully. I accidentally knocked her in the hallway earlier. She was dead angry and was about to hit me. How come she's a Guardian?" I asked Jack, giving him a 'you're-kidding-me-right' face.

Jack seemed to understand my 'face' and answered," Seriously, I'm not kidding you. She kind of 'was'. After I joined them, she acted differently to girls and always hurts them. Luckily, she didn't hurt you." Jack explained, emphazising the word 'was'.

"Yeah Crystal what's her name stopped her. She-" I suddenly recalled something from earlier.

'Should I tell him that she showed Tooth a photo of Jack? Nah, that's creepy but I'll just keep that to myself...' I thought.

"She what?" Jack asked, tilting his head a bit.

"Nothing. Nevermind. Let's go." I said, pulling Jack's wrist towards the empty class Punzie was talking about.

I heard someone groaned but just ignored it. But I was positive, it wasn't Jack.

We entered the class and saw Punzie already watching us. Then focused at our hands. "Oh umm s-sorry." I immediately let go of Jack's wrist.

"Finally! What took you so long? Come on Jack, let's go to class!" Punzie exclaimed, clinging Jack's arm and pulling him away from us. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. 'Scratch that, I don't even like him. Or do I?'

"Huh let's just get this day over with..."

●End Chapter●

Okay, not an author's note but I just wanna ask you guys these:

1. Do you really like my writing?

2.On a scale of 1-10, how would you describe my writing?

3. I'm still a rookie on Wattpad, anyone wanna help me with this story?

5. Special you think I should add them to the story?

6. Anyone noticed I didn't do question 4?

Well that's it! Bye everyone! Have some pizza before you leave! *Throws humongous pizza at audience and screams with them*

Bye...I'm out. :P


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