I tied the joggers' laces, so it wouldn't be too lose and unintentionally pants me without anyone else doing it.

To accessorize, I wore my precious necklace and finished getting ready. I walked out to leave but was stopped by Monty.

He gave me a look of disapproval, "No, no you are not going to walk out of this apartment looking like a hobo, go back inside and change," is probably what he would've said if he could. 

Still, I got the message, "Ugh, finee." I threw my head back in annoyance and walked back to my bedroom. I came back with a pair of leggings on and saw Monty sitting in the same spot as he was before. 

We both stared at each other for a little bit, until he walked away indicating his approval, and cueing me to get the hell out before I get late. I shot my arm up and back down in success, "Yes, finally!!" I got all the things I needed including the extra pair of clothes and closed the door behind me.

As I was fast-walking towards the elevator, I realized something. "Oh, shit! I forgot!" I ran back to my apartment and opened the door, to see Monty sitting, waiting for me. "Hehe, my boy." I picked his enormous body up and kissed his nose. "I love you, bye." I said setting him down and rushing out the door once again.

I ran to the elevator and slammed the down button repeatedly until I saw the doors finally open and walked in. 

I sighed in relief, "Finally, piece of shit."

The doors opened once again and I walked out into the garage towards my car. I glanced at my watch, and I knew I was getting late, "Shit, shit!!" I whispered in frustration.

I rummaged through my purse, "What the hell? Where are my keys?!" I said continuing to struggle. While still heading towards my car since it was parked all the way at the end and shuffling through my purse, I didn't realize how fast I was walking until my head hit into something hard.

I immediately put a hand onto my forehead and started to rub it, "Oww!!" I sharply inhaled squeezing my eyes shut, head dipped down, facing the ground.

"Oh my god, are you okay?!" I heard a deep voice and felt a pair of big hands grip my shoulders, causing me to suddenly jolt my head up, hitting the person's chin, "Ow!!" I heard.

I slowly opened my eyes to see who it was, but he was faced the other way bending down, only showing part of his back but mostly, his ass.

 "Woah." I whispered to myself.

I truly did not know why I said that.

I was shot back into reality once I realized the man was still in pain, his groans became louder and louder. I ran up to him and bend down slightly next to him, planting my hand on his back. "Hey, are you ok?! I am so sorry, I am so sorry, are you ok??" I saw his head go up and down.

I sighed in relief, "Are you sure you're ok Mr? You aren't going to sue me or anything right? Are you like the CEO of a big company or something? Because then I am totally screwed. I mean can't we talk this out or something? You don't really have to sue me, do you? This was all just a complete accident!!" I said with a worried tone.

I then heard a small chuckle coming from him, and he shook his head, "No, no I am not going to do any such thing." He rose himself up, making me do the same. The man was rubbing his chin and then looked at me. 

"But do I really look like a CEO?" he smiled.

God that smile, it could solve the world's problems. 

Since he faced me now, I could have a better look at him..

The first thing that caught my eye was in fact, his eyes.

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