Chapter 26- Oni-Chan?

Start from the beginning

"Oni-chan~!" Japan's voice sounded from the other side of the hallway. She came running over to her brother. "Oni-Chan! I thought I told you not to run off!"

"I'm not a child! I can find my way around the school on my own!"Oni Japan huffed. Neko Japan looked up at America and started to blush.

"こんにちは (Hello)... America-chan..." She said nervously.

"Oh... hey Japan..." Ame didn't really know what to say next. 'This is so awkward...' He thought. "So~ uh... your brother said you wanted to be friends?" America's statement was more of a question. Japan shot her brother an angry glare.

"Y-Yes... Look America-chan... North Korea-san is making us work for him, we've always liked you America... or at least we don't hate you."

"And your little crush on him?" Russia added, his tone was almost one of frustration.

Japan turned to her brother again, this time she looked furious. "ONI-CHAN! I leave you for two minutes and you go off blabbering all of my secrets!" Her face was red with blush and Oni Japan just snickered.

"You're so fun to mess with so why wouldn't I? And you're the one that told Martial Law I liked his sister! He's kept an eye on me ever since" He growled.

"You and Philippines are new here! Why not get to know each other!" The two continued to argue until Russia stood between them.

"Well~ we have class to get to so uh... yeah... nice meeting you Oni Japan." Rus turned around and walked away gesturing for America to follow him.

"Uh... see you guys later I guess," Ame said dashing after Russia, but before he could go Japan grabbed his arm. America looked back at her startled,

"America-chan... I-I'm really sorry for what I've done to you and Russia-san... I hope you can forgive me..." Her ears dropped and she glanced towards the ground.

"I... I really don't know if I can... it'll take a lot to earn our forgiveness..." America said coldly as he snatched his arm away.

"That is... understandable America-Chan... you're right not to trust me right away... I won't bother you anymore, I'll tell South Korea and China-San the same." Japan and her brother walked away in the other direction.

"I can't believe she wants to be our friend after everything she's done..." Russia murmured just loud enough for America to hear.

"I know right, she's bullied me for years and just because North Korea is making her do it isn't going to make me forgive her!" Ame turned around and walked up to Russia's side. "We should get to class, our math teacher is gonna lose it if we show up late again."

"Ain't that the truth..." Russia chuckled. The two started walking to their math class but ran after the late bell rang. They made it there 3 minutes after the bell had rung, but the teacher was nowhere in sight so they sat down quickly.

"Thank God she's not here yet! Could you imagine the look on her face if she knew we were late again?" America sighed.

"No need to imagine..." Sweden was sitting behind them and pointed to the front of the room. The teacher was sitting in her chair at the front of the room, glaring at the both of them. 'We walked right past her!?' Ame and Rus thought at the same time. The teacher got up from her desk and walked slowly over to them.

"I told the two of you what would happen if you were late again... A week of after school detention!"

"Please miss... we just got caught up with something, I promise we won't be late ever again," Russia said, keeping his voice calm and polite.

Their teacher snickered, "That's the excuse you had the last 26 times you were late!" Her tone wasn't calm nor polite.

America let out a long sigh, "We're not getting out of this one are we?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck. Their teacher shook her head slowly,

"See you boys after school..." She told them walking away. Whispers and giggles erupted from the students around them and the teacher didn't even bother to stop them.

"Hope you didn't have any plans for the next week..." America said turning his attention back to Russia.

Soooooo it's the moment you've all been waiting for =w= With 7 votes it's Germany who's going to die! The main focus of chapters 27 and 28 will be his death. Chapter 27 being about how he went missing and chapter 28 about Russia and America finding his body in the woods while they're on a walk. The idea for his death was made by @a_random_reader27. Thank you for this idea and all of the other people with amazing ideas for how the countries should die. UwU

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