The big problem

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The Big Problem {chapter 41}

Nathan ordered a limo which had totally surprised Stana. She knew Nathan sometimes acted like a megalomaniac but she never even dreamt of this.

Nathan opened the door for her and Stana sat down on the back seat. Nathan quickly followed her and as soon as he sat beside her he entwined their fingers together and smiled at Stana. She looked so beautiful that he almost proposed to her right there and then but he quickly remembered the plan he had.
He leaned down and captured her lips in a slow yet passionate kiss into which he poured all of his love. Stana didn't hesitate even for a nanosecond and returned the kiss with the same fervor as Nathan was putting into it. As she kissed him, he knew she wasn't holding anything back.

After they pulled away, both panting Nathan brought his hand to her cheek and stroked it tenderly. Stana couldn't help but lean into the security of his hand and breath in his scent.
Nathan smiled and kissed the tip of her nose which was awarded by a cute smile from Stana.
"Champagne for you, m'lady?" Nathan asked and reached for the bottle and glasses.
"Yes please." Stana nodded and smiled.
Nathan smiled and poured them both a glass.
He placed the bottle back to the container.
"To this magical evening and to us." Nathan said and clinked glasses with Stana.
"To us." Stana repeated smiling and took a sip.

After less than 10 minutes they arrived at their destination. Nathan opened the door, quickly got out from the car and held the door open for her. She got out as well and smiled at Nathan. He shut the door closed and offered Stana his arm. She gladly sneaked her arm through it and he kissed her temple.
"This way, Stana." Nathan said and showed her the way.
They walked through an alley towards the secluded little area which Nathan prepared to have the dinner.

As they were nearing the spot, Nathan stopped and turned around so he was standing in front of Stana.
Stana was surprised by his actions but just looked up at him and gave him a curious look.
"Stana, I need you to close your eyes. I have a surprise." Nathan said and waited for Stana to do as he told her.
When she closed her eyes he slowly navigated her to the place.
As they finally made it to the spot Nathan told Stana to just stand still and wait for him. He turned on the little light and lit up the candle in the middle of the table.
"Okay, you can open your eyes." Nathan said and waited anxiously to see Stana's reaction.
She opened her eyes and her mouth was left in a perfect 'O'.
"Nathan." Stana whispered and flicked her eyes between him, the table and the surroundings.
"It's beautiful, amazing. Thank you. So very much." Stana said and a solitary tear rolled down her cheek.
Nathan quickly jumped to her and wiped it away. He brought her lips to his and kissed her tenderly.
"Shall we?" Nathan asked and moved the chair for Stana. She sat down and smiled at him.

Once seated, Nathan poured them both glass of wine and unsuspiciously took out the box with the ring from his jacket pocket.
He looked her deep in the eyes, cleared his throat and began.
"Stana. We met five years ago and I must say I was having the time of my life. We've been through thick and thin together. We laughed, we cried, we fought, we made up. We have a beautiful beautiful little boy together. Lately, I've been doing a lot of thinking about us. I've decided I want more and you deserve more too." Nathan stopped at this point and stood up. Stana looked at him almost sad. 'Oh my god. Is this it? Does he want to break up with me?' Stana thought and had to bite the inside of her cheek not to cry.
Nathan made it to her side and looked down at her. "I love you Stana Katic. I love you more than anything in this world. I want you to be the last thing I see before I fell asleep. I want you to be the last woman I'll ever make love to. I want you forever and always." Nathan said and dropped to one knee in front of her. "Therefore I'm here tonight asking you. Stana Katic, will you make me the happiest man ever alive and do me the honor of marrying me? Will you marry me?" Nathan asked, tears in his eyes and box with the diamond ring open in front of him.
Stan gasped and brought her hand to her mouth to cover it.
"Oh my god, Nathan. Yes, yes. A thousand times yes!" She giggled and exclaimed. He let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding and slid the ring on her finger. She pulled him to his feet and kissed him passionately.
"I love you Nathan so so so very much." Stana whispered against his lips.
He smiled and kissed her once more.
The rest of the date night was perfect. They were talking about the wedding, the honeymoon, how they'll tell it to family and friends, but most importantly they showed each other love and enjoyed each other's company.

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