The big problem

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"Yeah, I need an ambulance quickly! There's a woman who is unconscious." Nathan almost yelled at the woman in the phone.
"Please hurry! She's pregnant!!" Nathan said and hung up.
He sat down beside Stana and held her in his arms.
"Stana don't you dear die on me!" Nathan said and he could feel the tears coming but he didn't care because this was the woman he loved and he couldn't see another future that didn't have her in it.
10 minutes later the ambulance came and they headed towards the hospital.

"We got a 35 year old woman, unconscious reason is that she got too much alcohol in her system, she's also 1 month pregnant." The nurse said to the doctor.
"Okay, we have to pump the alcohol out from her system as soon as possible so that we can save the fetus" the doctor said and walked away.

Nathan sat in the waiting room and almost couldn't stand it anymore. He had been sitting there for 3 hours without any answers.
He walked up to the nurse that sat and filed papers.
"Hey, excuse me but I have been waiting for almost 3 hours now without any answers and I want to know what will happened to my friend." Nathan said and looked at the nurse.
"I'm sorry you said friend so you are not a relative?" the nurse asked.
"No, but she's carrying my child." Nathan said.
"Okay, I'll see what I can do. Please go and sitt down again Mr?"the nurse asked.
"Mr. Fillion, Nathan Fillion." Nathan said and sat down again still wanting answers.

*30 minutes later*
"Mr. Fillion, Miss Katic is ready to see you." The nurse called out from the desk.
Nathan almost flew up from his chair and walked towards Stana's room.
He was so nervous, what if they lost their child, will Stana forgive Nathan for begin an ass.
The nurse stopped and showed him the room and he opened the door and he just stopped.

Sorry for the delay I have been on holiday :(

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