The big problem

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The Big Problem {chapter 37}

After a while Nathan came back to the room holding a little bundle of joy covered in light blue blanket. Nathan was looking down lovingly at it and it brought tears of joy to Stana's eyes.

"Stana, this little bundle of joy is our son." Nathan said as he came to her bed and showed her the baby. Even though he was born earlier than planned he was beautiful and he seemed so strong.

Stana stretched her arms out and Nathan carefully set their son into her arms. Stana lovingly caressed his cheek and gently kissed his forehead.

The new born opened his eyes when he felt Stana kissing his forehead and smiled brightly.

Stana's breath hitched in her throat at her beautiful young boy.

"He's so beautiful Nathan. Thank you." Stana said with tears in her eyes.

Nathan smile lovingly and kissed Stana's forehead.

"I have to thank you Stana. I love you so much. And our little boy too." Nathan whispered and carefully sat on the bed next to Stana.

After a while of silence and just admiring their baby boy Nathan broke the silence with a question.

"Stana, honey? How should we name him?" Nathan asked and wrapped his armed around Stana's shoulder.

"Uhm...I was thinking Chris? What do you think? Do you like it?" Stana said and leaned into warmth of Nathan's body.

He smile down at her and kissed the top of her head.

"Chris Fillion Katic." He tested the name and smiled at the sound of it.

"Mmmh ... I like it." Nathan said and caressed, now Chris's, cheek.

Stana smiled and turned her head upward so she could kiss Nathan lips.


When they broke apart, Stana rested her forehead against Nathan's.

There was comfortable silence around them. They were relishing the moment when suddenly the door opened. They disconnected their foreheads and turned their eyes towards the door.

A young nurse came in with a clipboard and papers.

"Hello Ms. Katic, Mr. Fillion. I'm Sarah and I'll be the nurse for the upcoming night." The lady intoruced herself.

"Hello." Stana and Nathan said in unison.

"I see you already met your little newborn." Sarah said and smiled at the couple and their newborn. "I must say, even though he was born prematurely, he's as strong as the babies that were born on due date. He weighs 6 and a half pounds and measures 1 foot and 6 and a half inches, which is only a little less than the babies born in due date."

Nathan smiled at their son and caressed his cheek. "Our little miracle." He whispered and looked down at Stana who smiled brightly.

Sarah was smiling at the couple and she almost forgot why she came there.

"Hate to interrupt but I actually came to know what name you chose for your bundle of joy." Sarah asked and got out a pen.

The couple looked at each other and smiled. Nathan nodded and winked at Stana encouragingly. She, then, turned her head towards Sarah.

"Chris. Chris Fillion Katic." Stana said proudly.

"Beautiful." Sarah wrote the name down and looked back up.

"Well, I'll excuse myself now. If you need anything just press the call button and I'll be here." Sarah said.

"Thank you." Nathan said and smiled.

Sarah nodded and left to room to left Nathan and Stana with their new born. Chris Fillion Katic entered the world.

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