The big problem

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"Wait, you said she..."Nathan suddenly asked while driving.

"Yeah..." Stana said still looking out throw the window.

"Are you sure? When did you find out? Why didn't you say anything earlier?" Nathan said almost a little angry for not being there when she found out.

"Nathan calm down, I'm just guessing!" Stana said and grabbed his free hand.

Nathan didn't answer he just kept driving.

When they finally were arriving to Nathan's house Stana were sleeping because his house were like a hour from the hospital.

He got out of the car and around to Stana's door and opened it.

"Stana, love? We're here." Nathan said and placed a kiss on her mouth

"Already?" Stana said yawning.

"Yeah, come here. I'll help you." Nathan said and grabbed her hands and helped her stand.

He helped her into the house where she had been before on some parties but never as his girlfriend.

She sat down on the couch and waited with her hand rested on her stomach that was now showing a little.


Nathan carried her bag and teddy bear upstairs and then walked into the living room and just enjoyed the vision he had in front on him.

"Hey Nathan we need to talk." Stana said and looked up at Nathan.

Nathan suddenly got a little worried and hurried up to her on the couch.

"Yeah, of course. What do you wanna talk about?" Nathan said and grabbed one of her hands.

"Us." Stana said and looked down again.

"What about us? We're going to be parents! Isn't that amazing!" Nathan said and placed both his and hers hand on the belly.

"Yeah it is...but what about us? Where are we?" Stana said still looking down almost ashamed of the questions.

"Stana you're my girlfriend and in the future I would love to marry you. We're like I said about to become parents. What're you worried about love? Money? House? The baby? Our carriers?" Nathan asked still hold her hand and took his other hand and tilted her head upwards to she looked into his eyes.

"Nothing, it's just I'm scared. I never done this before." Stana said and she had tears in her eyes.

"Oh sweetie everything will be fine." Nathan said and kissed her forehead.

"Yeah..."Stana said.

"Now we need to figure out where we are going to have the nursery." Nathan said and grabbed his Ipad on the table.

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