Chapter 19: Mount Glenn

Start from the beginning

Huntsman: An accurate assumption, yes. 

Yang: What's the plan then? 

Huntsman: Show me what your capable of. 


Huntsman: Excellent work girls! Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any signs of criminal in this sector. Oh, well moving on! 
He says before walking away. 

Yang: Hey doc, you know I was actually looking forward to seeing a pro huntsman in action. Like fighting or at least helping us fight? 

Huntsman: Ah, but I am in action, scouring the ruins of this once great city for any signs of irregularity. Not every mission is filled with daring and heroism girls. Sometimes it's just a heightened form of extermination. Remember, this is a job and you all signed up for it. I do hope you understand that. 

Yang: Uh...O-of Course. 

Huntsman: Hmm. 


Huntsman: Tell me Yang, why did you choose this line of work? 

Yang: Huh? Well, to fight monsters and s-

Huntsman: No, that is what you do. I want to know why you do it. The honest reason as to why you want to be a huntress. 

Yang: The honest reason? 
She asked as she thought about Y/n. 

Yang: I'm a thrill seeker. I wanna travel around the world and get wrapped up in many crazy adventures as I can.
She told him. 

Yang: And if I help people on the way or meets someone. It's a win win you know. 
She told him as she thought of him. 

His E/C eyes. 

His H/C hair .

His red cloak and demonic arm. 

Huntsman: And you Ms Schnee, a girl born into fame such as yourself certainly doesn't need the extra work. So, why choose this over a cushy job in Atlas? 
He asked as he sees Weiss stabs a beowolf in the head. 

Weiss: It's exactly as you said, I'm a schnee. I have a legacy to uphold. Once I realized I was capable of fighting, there was no longer a question of what I would do with my life. It was my duty. 

Huntsman: Interesting. 
He said before walking over to Blake, who shot at bird like grimm. 

Huntsman: What about you Blake? You seem to carry yourself with a sense of purpose.

Blake: There's too much wrong in this world to just stand by and do nothing. Inequality, corruption, and someone has to stop it.

Huntsman: Very well, How? 
He asked her. 

Blake: I-uh...
She said as she looked down, remembering what she did. 

The blood. 

Weapon in hand. 

Dead human and faunas laying in front of her. 

Children looking at her with horror in their eyes. 

The huntsman walked over to Ruby, who was playing with Zwei. 

Ruby: Sorry! Uh...are we ready to keep going? 
She asked. 

Huntsman: No, I believe that will have to for today. It's going to be dark soon. You three, set up camp in that building. And and please do make sure that there are no more of those creatures. Your leader and I are going to secure the perimeter. Come Ruby.
He told them before walking away with Ruby. 

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