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John B. rushed around the kitchen as he got ready to leave a few days after my run-in with Helen. He had to catch the ferry to go to a DCS meeting to talk about his legal guardian. I wondered if I should be going since I lived here, but obviously that would do neither of us any good.

It wasn't even an official situation, so I wasn't sure why I thought that was a good idea at all. I walked into the kitchen and John B. was shoving toast down his throat as fast as he could. "Woah, slow down if you want to keep that food down, dude," I advised, not wanting to clean up hurl this morning. "You're up early," he gasped between rushed bites, and I shrugged.

"Thought I'd go surfing," I said and walked to the fridge. I pulled out half of an orange I hadn't finished from yesterday and he nodded. "Keep control of your board this time," He chuckled. "Huh?" I asked, not sure what he meant until he gestured to my face. "Oh! Oh, yeah, how could I forget?" I asked with a half-hearted smile.

"It's healing pretty well, though," He said, and I nodded. "Oh, shit, I gotta run," He said and I said goodbye briefly as he rushed out the door. I felt bad for lying to him, especially after we agreed on being honest with each other when I started living here. I just didn't want him to worry about me, and he was the type to question me if I ever wanted to go anywhere ever again.

I went outside and saw Kie on the hammock, so I walked over to her, flopping down next to her. "Hey lady," she cooed, her hand going to my wavy hair and playing with it as soon as I laid down. "When'd it get so cloudy?" I asked and Kie shrugged. "There's a hurricane coming, I heard my parents talking about it at the restaurant yesterday," She said, and I nodded.

I was so thankful for Kie, she had gotten me a job on Figure 8 as a surf instructor, something I loved doing. I mostly taught Kook kids, but there were plenty of Kook teenagers who were signed up for the next few weeks, so I had that to look forward to, I thought with complete sarcasm. "Did John B. leave already?"

"Yeah, you just missed him. He was bugging about missing the ferry so he took off, but he'll be back in like three hours," I said. She nodded and closed her eyes again, relaxing her body into the hammock. I got up and let her chill out there while I looked for Pope. He was gonna go to the beach with me today, so I wanted to know when he planned on leaving.

I found him on the couch and I shook him slightly. He was dead asleep, but as soon as I touched his shoulder he jumped up, scaring me shitless. "Damn, Pope! Give a girl some warning," I chuckled, holding my heart. He slapped his face lightly, waking himself up, while I threw my hair into a messy ponytail.

"We goin'?" I asked, but before he could answer JJ burst into the house, "Going where?"
He wore a goofy smile and obviously asked to be humorously nosy, so I stuck my tongue out at him, a gesture he returned in tow. "The beach, I wanted to surf and Pope wanted to... I don't know, catch a tan?" I joked and Pope rolled his eyes.

𝕓𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕕-𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕕 (JJ)Where stories live. Discover now