When He Slaps You - Jeon Jungkook

Start from the beginning

"Woah, woah, woah, Jeon! You think you can just accuse me of cheating and then go on about your way like nothing happened?"

"You think you can cheat on me and come home like nothing happened?!?" He shouts.

"I didn't cheat on you!! Where is this even coming from?!"

"Y'know? My fans were right about you! I NEVER should've dated you in the first place!"

"Oh that's what this is about? Your fans?!" You say, spiraling more and more into disbelief.

It all makes sense now. Jungkook always receives messages telling him to find someone better, accusing you of being a gold digger, or even saying that you seem like the type to cheat on him or use him for his money. Even though there is reason behind his actions, it doesn't give him the right to attack me like this. You think to yourself.

"Jungkook I never cheated on you."

"So what? You're accusing my fans of lying?!"

"Of course not! I just think that you shouldn't put so much trust into random text messages you get from people before you have proof!"

"You're one to talk! Telling me not to trust my fans when you're the one breaking my trust!"

"Jungkook for the last da*n time! I'm not cheating on you! And you'd know that if you got your head out of your a$$ and realized that those "ARMYs" texting you aren't even real fans! Real fans would never try and tear you apart from-"


Your head jerks to the side as you slowly bring your hand up, clutching your cheek in disbelief. Tears brim in the corners of your eyes and honestly, you can't tell if it's from the physical or emotional pain. Turning your head towards him again, you catch sight of his fiery gaze.

"Don't you ever, try and play off your own sluttiness on my fans!! Do you understand?!?" He shouts in your face as the tears cascade down, almost as heavily as the rain outside.

Minutes pass by with the two of you just staring into each other's eyes, his showing anger, and yours showing longing as you search his eyes for any sign of regret. Nothing.

Maybe if he had shown regret, or at least some sign of remorse... you might've been able to forgive him... you might've been able to look past this knowing that you were both upset and knowing how sensitive he is when it comes to his fans.

But there was nothing there but anger.

You convince yourself to keep searching his eyes, but to no avail. He notices your intense gaze and scoffs before moving forward slightly and crossing his arms over his chest.

"What? Don't look at me like that. Like you're confused. You crossed the line! I had to put you in your place. Don't try and make me out to be the bad g-"

"We're done." You whisper, cutting off his words. He rolls his eyes and looks back at you.

"What? You know I hate it when you mumble! For God's sake speak u-"

"I SAID WE'RE DONE!" You shout in his face causing his annoyed expression to morph into one of shock as he steps back.

"W-what? What do you m-mean done?" He asks in a shaky voice as he's suddenly overcome with a wave hurt and sadness.

You scoff and remove your hand from your cheek.

"You really thought I'd stay with you after you've hit me?!?" For the first time that day, he looks at you with concern when his eyes catch sight of the visible handprint on your cheek. His actions finally settle in to his mind as he gasps and reaches out to you.

Stepping back, you shake your head.

"No, Jungkook! We're done! Don't try and apologize now!"

And once again, his expression changes. This time, his concerned expression unmasks itself as one of annoyance. What's up with this dude and his mood swings? Is he on his period?

"Isn't it just like you to blow things out of proportion! Stop being so dramatic, Y/n! It was just ones slap, it won't hurt forever! The pain is temporary!"

You laugh painfully and look him in the eyes, "You're right, Jeon.... pain is temporary..." You pause before continuing,

"Sort of like this relationship."

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