8. Back to Canterlot

Start from the beginning

Shining Armor: Hey Y/n i've been waiting for you i'll be your escort to take you to the castle

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Shining Armor: Hey Y/n i've been waiting for you i'll be your escort to take you to the castle.

Y/n: I don't need an escort to the castle i know my way there it's one of the places i live.

Shining Armor: I know, it's just you tend take detours and get into trouble.

Y/n: Yeah when we were younger mr. Captain of the royal guard.

Shining Armor: Well i'm here now so let's go little Prince.

Y/n: Ugh stop calling me that you shining turd i'm not a kid anymore.

Shining Armor: And yet you called me a turd.

Y/n: I could've said much worse.

Shining Armor: Yeah you can be very foul mouthed when you want to be, so whose the girl?

Y/n: My adopted sister and student.

Cadence: What did you say!?

Cadence: What did you say!?

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Y/n: Hey Sis.

Cadence: Hi and again what did you say!?

Y/n: I kinda found her and we became like brother and sister and she's also my student because i'm training her to fight and defend herself and her name is Cherry Storm.

Cadence: Oh okay, well it's nice to see you and feel free to think of me as your big sister.

Cherry Storm: O-oh uh.

Y/n: Come on lets go Red.

We all made our way to the castle.

We enter the throne room and i see mum and aunt Luna sitting on their thrones.

Y/n: Hi mum, hi aunt Luna how have you been.

Mum: Hello Y/n i've been good.

Luna: Hello i have also been well, how have you been doing.

Y/n: I've been great.

Mum: Y/n, whose that you girl you have with you?

Y/n: Oh right, mum meet Cherry Storm my sister and student.

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