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Quickly getting ready for the party, I stepped downstairs to the foyer where my family waited. These parties were usually fun surprisingly. Rider's parents, just like everyone else, knew majority of the adults in town, so a lot of people would be there.

I've been going to these things for as long as I've known Rider. The only thing was that I had a feeling Quinn would be there because her parents knew a lot of people too. It was also the first year I'd actually talk to River at the party. He was always at them because his mom worked at the hospital alongside Rider's mom, but he usually stayed around his parents.

After we arrived at the party, we said "hi" to the Smith family before dispersing towards our respectable groups. Romeo went off into the living room where Hailey was along with their other friends. My parents went into the dining area where the adults were having drinks. Leaving me to go to the second living room where the older kids were.

Rider had a pretty big house. I had been here plenty of times, but it was still a sight every time.

"Hey, Lia," Rider was the first to notice my presence, hugging me before pulling me towards the group.

Of course Victor was there along with Alex, Rowan, Emma and River. The were a bunch of other seniors and juniors I was acquainted with and sitting in the corner glaring at me was Quinn. I decided to ignore her.

"Hey guys," I said with a smile, hugging everyone before standing beside River.
"So River was just telling us about California," Victor filled me in, "But I can't help but think that he's leaving out details."

I shook my head at his obvious jokes, "Victor it was nice. Especially being away from you."
He held his hand against his chest as if in pain, "We've been friends since middle school and that's how you repay me? With hatred?"

It went on like that for a while. Us telling each other about our break and Christmas while Victor made an occasional joke.

"I can't help but notice that Quinn is shooting bullets into the back of Lia's head with her eyes," Victor stated.

I slowly turned as to not make it obvious, not thinking that everyone would do the same. But of course they did.

"Look away," Victor whisper yelled causing Emma to laugh at our obviousness.
"You think she noticed," Alex asked.
"She's not an idiot," Rowan rolled her eyes, "I swear if she keeps looking at you like that I'll drag her across these marble floors."

"Jesus, Rowan," Rider said trying to laugh it off, but we all knew how serious she was.
"I'm serious. I've always hated that girl. If only Victor had better taste," she shook her head in disappointment.
"How was I supposed to know she was racist?! I'm hispanic, you'd think that would make her stay away from me also," he defended.

"Not even that. The girl is as basic as it gets," Rowan emphasized her claim before we all went quiet.
"Hi guys."

Quinn stood behind Rowan, drink in hand. Rowan let out a loud dramatic sigh causing me to laugh along with Emma. The thing I loved most about her was how she didn't care. The only reason she tolerated Quinn was for Victor and now that that was over she would feel her wrath.

"I just wanted to apologize. For everything. Especially to River and Lia."
I looked up at her as she continued, "I should've never said what I did. It was ignorant of me to say that about your parents and about your girlfriend. I literally have no excuses."

"Damn right you don't," Rowan scowled. Rider quickly pulled her in front of him, placing a hand on her mouth to stop her from speaking, "That's enough from you."

"I just miss you all and-."
"Pause," Alex put up his hand, "You came over here to apologize, not to get back into the group. You're just as insane as I thought you were if you expect that."

She looked down at her hands. This time I decided to talk, "Quinn I considered you my friend even when people talked down on you. I thought you deserved a chance, but clearly you don't."

"Since we're all speaking can I talk," Emma asked. When no one objected she continued, "I just find it a bit odd that you waited until River was with Lia to say something. You've had art with him for years. Yet you did exactly what you did before. You tried to steal someone's boyfriend, except it didn't work this time."

We all knew what Emma was referring to. Last school year, a senior cheated on his girlfriend with Quinn. He didn't get much hate for it, so Quinn took all the heat. It was a while before she was accepted again and I felt bad because at the end of the day it was the guy's relationship. It was wrong, but I felt I could be friends with her.

"I know," was all she said.
"And the whole race thing," Victor started, "I'm not even mad about the eye candy thing. I just don't get the race situation."
"It was just ignorance. I was mad so I used that as an excuse."

By now, River was the only one who hadn't spoken during the conversation. It hadn't gone unnoticed either because everyone was looking behind me at him. His hands were still wrapped around my waist, mine on top.

I didn't move to look at him as I waited for his response.
"I don't really have anything to say. I kind of already did it on that day," he voiced.

I could see the evil grin forming on Rowan's face. I swear that girl is something else.

"Welp. I guess it was okay knowing you," Rowan said, sticking her hand out for a handshake.

Quinn had a sad look on her face as she looked at Rowan's hand before walking away to the dining area.

"That was awkward," Alex mumbled.
"You could say that again," Rider sighed.
"That was-."
"Not literally, you dimwit."

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