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Everyone loved the exhibit and River even got a couple of interviews with some people working for different art museums and school programs. He seemed more laid back as the night went on, he smiled majority of the time.

The museum began to close and he said his goodbyes to everyone including his moms who said they would meet him at home.

Once everyone was gone he turned to me, "Do you have to go home right now?"
"No, why?"
"I want to show you something."
I nodded and we headed towards his car, he began driving off.

"Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise."
I watched the buildings and people fade away as we passed by them. Soon we were in the countryside of Pennsylvania, passing farms and a gas station every now and then. We went up a hill and he parked in the grass.

"We're here?" I said, confused.
"Yes," he laughed, getting out of the car. I followed taking off my seatbelt. He helped me out of the car, seeing that I was wearing heels and we walked towards a concrete center on the hill.

It was weird to see a sidewalk on top of the secluded hill. It was covered in graffiti, carvings and paint. Multiple people had put their art on the sidewalk and altogether it was different styles but looked beautiful.

"I used to come here sophomore year a lot. I only ended up painting two things though." He pointed to the two paintings, the one of me and one of a mirror reflection with the words chamber of reflection scribbled on top.

"So this is how you came up with the theme?" I smiled.
"Yeah. That night I was at the school when you were playing the song and I came here. I started thinking about what it meant. I ended up painting this and came up with a portfolio subject. You obviously didn't know, but you helped me figure out the theme."

I smiled again, hugging him. He smelled of lavender and faint cinnamon. I slowly let go and looked up. His eyes were a light green and he had a smile on his face.

"Thanks for inviting me and taking me here," I said, breaking the silence.
"Of course."

I pulled away to let go but was instantly pulled back in by River. I laughed hugging him again.

"I didn't know my hugs were that good," I smile softly, with my head lying on his chest.
"Me neither." He finally pulled away looking at me again as if contemplating what he should do.

I don't know if he did it because he really wanted to or if it was one of those irrational in-the-moment events but he kissed me. For someone who was that shy I wasn't expecting it, like at all. But I wasn't complaining either.

His lips were soft, radiating heat before he quickly pulled away.
His face turned bright red and he looked stunned at what he had just did. "I-I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that, it was stupi-."

I put my hand over his mouth, slightly laughing at his mini panic attack.

"That's too bad. I actually liked it but it's okay if you didn't," I teased, moving my hand once I was finished.
"Oh...I did like- I- um."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, "Relax. I'm joking. Just shocked you were bold enough." I laughed again.

He was tense, "Do you want to go back?" I asked with a sad smile. I didn't want to but he seemed uncomfortable.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm just nervous."
"Don't apologize. It's fine." I pulled him in hesitantly and our lips were hovering over each other before he closed the gap. He didn't stop this time either.

It was a long, warming kiss. It was cold outside but I instantly felt heat venturing through my body as his soft lips caressed mine. He tasted like vanilla and mint. I felt River smiling against my lips before we pulled back out of breath.

I smiled putting my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms tighter around my waist.

"RIVER KISSED YOU?" Rowan yelled through the phone.
"Why are you so loud? I just said he did," I scowled, it was a little passed midnight.
"Sorry, but this is wild. He's just always so shy and- he kissed you. I'd expect it to be the other way around. Kudos to Atkins, loverboy is growing the fuck UP!"

I laughed at her remarks watching my TV which was playing Pose.
"I hear you finally listened to my tv show suggestions."
"How good are your ears," I laughed, the TV was pretty low.
"Pretty good. Anyways it's a good show and the dresses are actually pretty cool. Which is surprising because I despise dresses. Speaking of dresses, what do you plan on wearing to Homecoming?"
"I actually don't know."
"You're joking. Right?"

I usually planned a month ahead when it came to Homecoming and other dances. I would get so excited and try my hardest to pick a dress I knew no one else would wear.

"I genuinely forgot about Homecoming," I said shocked.
"HOW? It's literally next week!"
"Oh my god, I don't have a dress!"
"We'll go shopping tomorrow. Or later on today, it's already passed midnight."
"Yeah, ok."
"Welp good night, love. Sweet dreams."
"Good night, Ro."

I hung up and turned my attention to the TV intently watching the show. I drifted asleep, thinking about the events of the night and instantly felt happier. I had my first kiss and it was with River. If I told my younger self that she wouldn't buy it. I always saw myself attracting the jocks of the school such as Alex. And although they could be sweet, they weren't like River.

River was a hard person to read. The people I'm always around are energetic and outgoing. You know their personality without being their friend because it flows throughout the whole school. River kept to himself, you had to know him to know him.

He had layers but he wasn't some typical quiet bad boy, he was nice. And shy. And he's so cute when he's nervous. It's as if he knows what he wants to say but is always too afraid to say it.

I fell into a deep sleep with my TV playing in the background and the moonlight shining through my bedroom window.

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