for the first time

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The next couple weeks went by quickly, filled with school activities leading up to graduation, play dates with Izzy, and late date nights with River. Izzy had eventually started spending the days with River on weekends and he would take her to the different spots in the town square in which we all grew up on. One Saturday afternoon the three of us were walking out of Rita's when we bumped into Rowan and Rider. Although Rowan was the type to always say she had a distaste for children Izzy sure had an effect on her. I was sure that it was because they were so alike.

"Oh my god, I GOT IN!" I was ripped away from my thoughts as I looked up at one of my classmates.

College Emails.

Everyone had been getting them within the past week, finding out if they would be at their dream school for the next four or more years. My friends and I at the beginning of the year all agreed on letter acceptances rather than email, we'd get to read it with our parents rather than having to find out in a notification.

I was impatient but I'd rather find out on camera with my mom and not in an email notification while in class randomly. I made that mistake once in middle school when I found out I won a social studies fair in the middle of a science test.

"Dude I'm gonna literally shit a brick."
I turned to Rowan laughing at her remark, "What's up with you?"
"I just thought about how I didn't apply to that many in state schools. Actually I applied to zero. I was so stuck on moving out of Pennsylvania that I didn't even think about funding. Who's gonna make sure I eat breakfast and don't live off of pop tarts? If my decisions are up to me I'm as good as dead by," she stopped to look at her calendar, "I give myself till mid-September at most."

"You've wanted to live in Europe since we were kids and judging by your Pinterest boards I can confidently say you want to go to school there. Just because you'll be far doesn't mean we won't check up on you. Plus I'll be calling every five seconds to confirm you haven't set the campus on fire."
"You're right, you're right," she turned to look at River and Rider, "Y'know you two are terrible at communication contributing."

Rider looked up from his phone, "College talk stresses me out, I can't see myself having to meet new people. I've known everyone here my entire life, and now I have to start over."
Rowan dropped her fist onto the table, "I KNOW RIGHT?!"

Everyone looked in our direction causing River to look down and Rowan to roll her eyes, "Apologies. Anyways, Atkins what state is your heart set on?"

He looked up as our group looked at him waiting for an answer, "Well I don't really know anymore."
"Well luckily we did early action, so you do have time to decide. Thank God for Melrose's nagging, amirite?!"

Melrose didn't bother looking up as he shook his head but laughed simultaneously at her remark. He practically forced us to sign up early, turning in FAFSA forms as soon as they opened and emailing our parents so they could do their section of the forms also. I do admit it was helpful though, we didn't have to worry about applications during the regular time like majority of our class.


"What did you mean when you told Rowan you don't know about what state you want to go to anymore?" I was sitting in River's car after school, something we did before going directly home to talk.

He put his phone down, giving me his full attention. Within the past couple weeks I noticed how his style changed due to the cold weather. He wore long-sleeved shirts with older style zipup hoodies, and sweatpants. His hair was getting longer and his cheeks were always a rosy red against his now paler skin due to the weather. But his eyes were the same as ever.

"I feel like for the first time I'm rethinking my decisions about where I'll be for the next four years. I always thought Jersey or California and never really thought about the effects it would have."
"How so?"
"Well if I go to Rutgers, I'll be a couple hours from home. Izzy will be near by if she ever needs me and my moms are too. But if I go to CalArts, I have way more opportunities for my art," he stopped for a second before continuing, "And I'll have you."

I leaned my head against the head of the chair as I shifted towards his direction, "Well you'll always have me no matter where we go. But I understand what you're saying."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"Why did you pick Cali?"
I thought a while before answering, "Well, it's a great place for film. I applied to a couple of NYC schools but Cali seems to fit my idea and genre more. I feel my options are more open there and I love the school."

He nodded his head before turning back towards the wheel, "I'm getting ahead of myself anyways I don't even know if any of them accepted me yet."
"They'd be dumb not to, it's like throwing away a chance of adding a notable alumni to their list in the future," I smiled as I grabbed his hand.
"You know you're too good for me, I'd probably be panicking if you weren't so good with words."

"Next charm for my bracelet should be 'Worlds Best Girlfriend/Comforter'."
"I highly doubt that exists."
"It definitely should though."

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