get you

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Get You by Daniel Caesar and Kali Uchis filled the room as everyone paired off and began to slow dance. Rider pulled a reluctant Rowan onto the floor as I laughed at her snarky comments.

River held his hand out which I took and he led me to the dance floor as the room got quieter. The sound of the song filled the room, giving a relaxing feeling.

He pulled me closer, wrapping his hands around my waist as I rested my hands on his arms and my head on his chest. The significant smell of lavender filling my senses as I got closer.

We continued swaying to the song as I felt myself drift asleep in his warm embrace.
"SHOT GUN!" Rowan yelled, sliding into the passenger seat of Rider's car.
"Shot gun!" Victor mocked as he made his way to his car, "See you guys there. Drive safe."

Everyone in the parking lot began driving off, a good amount of cars filled with seniors and juniors following Rider as we made our way to the cabin.

My parents had let us use it last year for an after party and it was great. I had been known as someone who threw the best parties and the one's after school dances were always the best.

We arrived at the cabin about 45 minutes later as everyone began pulling into the driveway on the secluded street.

Hopping out of the car we headed inside, revealing the already set up living room I had prepared earlier that day.

"I think the best part about this is that there aren't any adults and no neighbors to disturb," Alex stated.
"Shout out to Lia for throwing this after party!" Victor yelled as the crowd of high schoolers cheered.

I spent most of the night with River, talking to guests, dancing, and just conversating about random things with him.

As everyone began to leave we all got ready for bed, meeting back in the living room which surprisingly only had a few empty cups and cupcake wrappers laying around on the tables.

"Victor and Quinn got the room on the far left, Ro and Rider get the one next to it, Alex and Emma have the one down the hall and River, we have the master." They all nodded saying their good nights as they walked away. I turned back to River who looked wide awake.

"You aren't tired?" I questioned.
"No. I'm an insomniac."
"Really? Romeo is too, he has anxiety. What about you?"
"Same, but it's fine."

"No it's not. I've seen how bad it is," I frowned, "Do you wanna watch a movie since you aren't tired?"

He nodded and we headed to the master bedroom. It was heated by the fire place and the silence made it possible to hear the fire burning. I jumped onto the bed, scooting to the middle and leaning against the headboard as River sat next to me.

 I jumped onto the bed, scooting to the middle and leaning against the headboard as River sat next to me

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I turned on the TV, switching to Netflix, "Any suggestions?"
"Just something scary."
"It's two in the morning."
"They're better late at night."
"I usually watch them in the morning. If I have a nightmare, you're to blame."
"You won't have a nightmare," he laughed as I put on The Terrifier.
"OH MY GOD," I yelled as I buried my face into his hoodie, shielding my eyes from the creepy clown killing his victim.
"This was a bad idea," River said, putting his head on top of mine to also shield his eyes.
"It was your idea," I reminded him as I kept my eyes away from the current scene.

He took the remote and quickly exited out of the movie, putting on Dumb and Dumber.
"Better?" River asked as I looked up at the movie.

He rubbed my back as I continued to stay in my same position with my leg draped over his waist and my arms wrapped around him.

I probably seem desperate.

We watched the movie as River continued to absentmindedly trail his fingers on my exposed lower back.

The movie ended, leaving a more light-hearted feeling than the horror movie and River changed it to a random channel playing The Brady Bunch.

He threw the remote down onto the bed before turning to look at me, "I had fun today. These past few weeks have been fun."

"I can agree," I smiled as I realized how he was slowly and cautiously moving closer.

He stopped in the midst of realization, only inches from my face and turned away. I suddenly felt the need to kiss him, "You can kiss me River, it's okay." River looked back cautiously, this time at my lips and kissed me. It felt even better than the first, his lips caressing mine as he deepened the kiss.

I sat up more to get closer when his hand ran down the fabric of my shorts. I felt his tongue slip into my mouth and I smiled at his sudden confidence. I pulled myself onto his lap, straddling my legs on his waist.

His fingers traced over the hem of my shorts, coming in contact with my skin as I deepened the kiss even more. I pulled away to catch my breath, looking back at River who looked flustered.

I smiled, playing with his golden hair before pecking his lips. He held my waist before he began, "We should stop."

I frowned before quickly wiping my face of an expression, "Yeah."

Of course, I was too late at hiding my frown and he noticed, "It's not you, Lia. I just-I have-."

I quickly cut him off, "River, it's fine." I began to get off of his waist when his grip got harder and he let out a low groan. That's when I noticed the bulge I felt myself sitting on.

That was definitely not there before.
Maybe it's the remote, I'm tripping.

"Just don't move too fast," he whispered before loosening his grip some. I slowly made my way onto the bed and failed to hold in a laugh as I looked at River's red face.

He looked over at me confused.

"I'm sorry, it's not- that. You just- your face," I laughed as I watched his expression.
He had only gotten more confused, speaking softly, "What's wrong with my face?"
"Nothing, you just looked nervous and very red."

I jumped off of the bed, grabbing a match and restarting a fire in the fireplace before turning off the lights and crawling back into bed. Throwing the large covers over my body, I gave River a kiss on the cheek before lying down as he followed.
I woke up that morning to a feeling of warmth pressed against my back and low breathing in my ear. Noticing arms wrapped around my waist, I turned to see River sleeping peacefully now without his hoodie or a shirt covering his muscles.

I turned back to the clock seeing 9:04 on it's screen and let him continue to sleep, knowing he didn't get any much. He shuffled around as his arms' grip stayed in place and he nuzzled his head into the side of my neck.

Hearing the whispers of the TV in the background, I fell back asleep in his arms.

Not gonna lieee I thought this was cute🤧Took me a while to write this one but I like it.

Also although it won't be in like a nearby chapter seeing that they just started getting close, do you guys want smut or just cute scenes like this?

Make sure to vote or comment please it means a lot💕Also if you want, leave a question for me and thanks for reading I appreciate you

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