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After spending time with Izzy, decorating our cupcakes, Michelle walked into the room leaning on the doorframe. Izzy was still occupied, talking away.

"This one looks like your dog, Pongo!" she squealed as River helped her. It was so nice to see him with his sibling, as if he had just somehow gotten 10x more sweeter. Michelle smiled standing in the same spot before speaking, "I see you've introduced them to the Izzy Bizzy business."

Izzy turned around and quickly got up, "Only the best of the best get special invites. Come sit down," she said as she rushed her mom into the seat Ms. Marbles once occupied. "Ms. Marbles it seems to be time for your daily nap."

Michelle examined the cupcakes, "You are so talented. What made you start doing art?"
River looked hesitant at first before answering, "I don't know really. I would draw the shows I watched and eventually I started getting compliments for it at school."

"Did you two grow up together?" She asked gesturing towards me and River. This time I responded, "Yeah, everyone in our area pretty much knows each other. River was pretty shy though," I smiled.

She laughed, "I was shy too growing up. I found it funny when Izzy was the complete opposite."

"I'm a people's person," Izzy chimed in.

"Definitely is," Michelle replied, "I remember when I had her she cried so much the first night. A chaotic baby too. When I had you River, you were quiet, not a single peep when you came out."

I could see River wanted to make a comment but instead he looked at Izzy, "I had fun but we should get going. How 'bout I come visit you on the weekend?"

Izzy smiled, "Really?! Could we go somewhere next time??"
"If you're okay with that," River turned to Michelle.
"Of course. I'll give you the home number."

After settling plans with Izzy, River and I were off driving back to our town. The soft voice of Kali Uchis singing Tyrant on the radio. I already knew he only wanted a relationship with Izzy, but seeing him set his attention on her rather than Michelle was obvious to everyone.

Although the Michelle situation was awkward, Izzy was such a sweetheart. Seeing kids who are that happy and full of personality always seems to remind me of Rowan and I at that age. When we left she insisted on giving me a stuffed animal so I had a reason to join them on the weekend in order to give it back.

River was okay with it and I knew I'd enjoy hanging out with them both again.

We pulled into the driveway of my house where River gave me a kiss before we say our "see you laters" and I went inside.

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