The New Kid

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*No Ones POV*

Koro Sensei: Okay settle down class! Settle down.

The kids of Class 3-e suddenly stopped talking and focused on Koro Sensei.

Koro Sensei: Could everyone return to their seats, I have some important news.

Everyone suddenly seemed interesting in the news Koro Sensei was going to announce, the kids quickly rushed back to their seats and awaited the news.

Kaede: So... what's the news Koro Sensei?

Yuma: Yeah Sensei, what's the news?

Koro Sensei began doing that retarded giggle for some odd reason then told them the news.

Koro Sensei: A new student is joining our class.

Everyone gasped at the news except for a handful. Some students were excited and some couldn't care less. Murmurs filled the air with some interesting rumours.

Meg: Do you reckon it's a boy or girl?

Rio: I hope it's a boy

Meg: Why?

Rio: W-well I mean if it is I hope he is hot.

Meg: Fair Point.

Nagisa: A new student huh. I wonder what the new student will be like...

*(Y/n)'s POV*

I opened my room that was reserved for me just for the assassination which was located not very far from the school like I can see it from my hotel room. I rolled my sleeve down to check the time. 6:30, perfect. I picked up my briefcase and room keycard. I should have 'school supplies' already there to blend in as a regular student, even though I had straight A's. I opened my door, closed the door and left for the exit, for my first day of school...

*small timeskip*

I arrived right in front of class 3-e and man I was told that the classroom conditions weren't good but I'd didn't expect them to be this bad. Well their is nothing I can do now so I walked inside the building. A man stood waiting at the entrance. He had slick black hair spiked up while wearing just a plain white suit and tie.

???: Hi, I'm Mr Karasuma, A teacher here, are you (Y/n) Wick?

(Y/n): Nah I'm the pizza delivery guy.

I sarcastically said.

Karasuma: Oh so you have my order?

He played along.

(Y/n): Yeah Uh, one order of a large pepperoni pizza, name was Fuck you.

Karasuma: Hm... we will get along great.

(Y/n): Yeah.

Karasuma: Well we expect big things from you, you are the top assassin now and trained by the legendary John Wick.

(Y/n): I'll try my best.

Karasuma: Before you walk in and greet the class, I just wanna make sure we are on the same page.

(Y/n): Okay.

Karasuma: 1. Your fake name is (F/n) (F/Ln)

(A/n: (F/n) stands for fake name so use a different name other than the name you are currently using, and (F/Ln) stands for fake last name.)

Karasuma: 2. Blend in as much as you can, your school supplies are already on your desk. In tests you have to do the work but I reckon you'll find that easy. Lastly he has signed a deal not to hurt you but you can assassinate him.

(Y/n): Noted.

Karasuma smiled and sighed.

Karasuma: Okay, follow me and I will direct you to the class.

Karasuma turned around and followed the corridor which turned right and led down another corridor. I followed behind and I saw the sign 3-e posted with a door right next to it.

Karasuma: Wait here.

Karasuma opened the door and walked in with the class focused on him.

Karasuma: Okay the new student has arrived. *looks at me* Come in.

I walked in and I saw my target. A giant yellow octopus that had way to many tentacles and if I recall anime and octopuses don't mix because that makes some fucked henta- I've said to much. I quickly observed the target then flicked to the class. 28 kids, all had the anti Sensei BB's and the S.A.A.U.S.O green knives. The class all stared at me which was understandable but some of the girls just looked at me pretty creepily, like they want to touch me or something.

Koro Sensei: Ah, Hello (F/n) and welcome to Class 3-e!

(Y/n): Hey.

Koro Sensei: I'm Koro Sensei, pleased to meet you. *reaches out a tentacle*

(Y/n): (F/n) (F/Ln).

I shook his tentacle for a brief second the activated my hidden blade which instead of a blade, it was a S.A.A.U.S.O and I flicked my wrist, slicing off his tentacle. That was just a warning.

The whole class gasped and were in awe that the new kid managed to slice a tentacle of Koro Sensei.

Koro Sensei: The second one that sliced off one of my tentacles.

He looked down ashamed then his face lit back up in a green and yellow stripe face.

Koro Sensei: But how will you fair trying to assassinate me, if you can... *giggles*

(Y/n): I'll get you soon enough.

I walked back down the step and walked to the only vacant desk, next to a certain red haired kid. I sat down, putting my briefcase down until the red haired kid talked to me.

Red: So you managed to slice a tentacle off too huh.

(Y/n): You were the first?

Red: Yep. The name is Karma.

(Y/n): (F/n)

Karma: (F/n) Huh? Well at least someone in this class has a brain.

(Y/n): Right back at you.

Karma just chuckled then focused back up at Koro Sensei. He seemed... odd. A lot like me. We might just be friends...

*No Ones POV*

More rumours occurred throughout the class, basically what they thought about (F/n)

Toka: Oh my god. He is so hot.

Rio: Right! The two hottest boys are sitting right next to each other.

Meg: I can't believe this!

Now on to the boys.

Isogai: He's stealing all the girls.

Maehara: Dude, it will blow over in a couple days or so, let him settle in and plus he looks cool.

Taiga: He should come play soccer with us at recess today or something.

Isogai: It better blow over Maehara...

Assassination Classroom x Son of John Wick Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now