The Retrival

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"Hey, I was wondering if you sell any silenced handguns by any chance?"

Man: Well yes, we sell lots of firearms.

(Y/n): Y'know could I buy a silenced handgun by any chance?

Man: Well I'm going to need some ID sir.

(Y/n): *slips the man the ID* There you go.

Man: Ahhhh... Mr Wick...

(Y/n): So is that a yes?

Man: *slides the ID card back* Yes, May I suggest this one.


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(Y/n): *swings pistol around his finger* Yes, this will do nicely.

Man: Mr Wick, May I ask why you require a silenced weapon?

(Y/n): Y'know, just the usual.

Man: Your Father always used to say that.

(Y/n): I am aware...

Man: Would you like some ammunition? Seeing as you only bought the gun you might need some rounds.

(Y/n): Yes...

The man went round the back of his shop, jingle and jangle then the man came out with 5 mags of ammunition that hold 10 each.

(Y/n): They'll do. 

Man: Good, good.

(Y/n): Well thank you, Farewell.

I turned around and headed for the exit when the man spoke.

Man: Mr Wick...

(Y/n): Yes.

Man: Do what you do best.

(Y/n): And what's that?

Man: Hunt...

*timeskip to nightfall*

(Now I know in the Anime that don't operate at nightfall but I wanted to change it a little bit)

I arrived at the ware house where they are supposedly Kanzaki and Kayano are held hostage.

(Y/n): Bravo six, going dark...

Now I know I wasn't talking to anyone but I thought it would be appropriate for my current situation. Anyway I approached right up to next to the warehouse garage door and thought of knocking on there and bursting through but I wanted to handle this a bit more sneaky. I made my way to the door on the left which was locked of course so I had two plans of action.

Assassination Classroom x Son of John Wick Male ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant