Science Class

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*(Y/n) POV*

Science was probably my favourite class since there were a lot of dangers, yeah dangers lets just say where people could die. It was an Assassin's favourite class. I sat idly with Karma and a few other girls since I didn't know their fucking names. Everyone also sat at tables in the science class while a few didn't since they were gathering the supplies for Koro Sensei to hand them out. Maehara, Taiga and Koki though this would be the perfect time to assassinate Koro Sensei while he handed out the supplies. Maehara went first and charged at Koro Sensei with staggering speed and slashed him with his knife. Koro Sensei simply dodged it and moved onto the next table while Koki went for the next attempt which also failed. Taiga went for the next attempt and also failed. Now realising all three of them are both fucking failures, they rest on the little step that was used to for the stage thingy at the front of the class.

Maehara: He actually finished prepping while dodging three knives and once...

Isogai: You okay Maehara?

Maehara: Y-Yeah.

Karma: You know a sneak attack that simple just isn't gonna cut it.

Koro Sensei: Okay, begin the lesson!

I just looked at my equipment and thought, 'well shit' I did science and all but I was hired for assassinating this lame cunt. Not learning the fucking birds and the bees. Karma didn't do anything either so I just sat their, observing my surroundings for obvious reasons. A lot of sharp objects and poisonous substances, compacted together and odd smells that hopefully throw off his sense of smell. I noticed that my glass beaker shows a reflection of Koro Sensei just a few tables behind me, I tied some string to my knife and hid it under the desk. Koro Sensei came around inspecting everyone's experiment. I just had to wait when he was one table away from me then I'd move in for the kill. He came closer and closer until he was in the perfect position. I threw my knife 'purposely' an inch away from his left tentacle. The knife hit the wall and Koro Sensei turned to me.

Koro Sensei: Ha, your first Miss.

(Y/n): You mean my fourth tentacle sliced?

I jerked back the string and the knife came flying back, slicing off his tentacle in the process. The sliced off tentacle rolled across the floor and halted at my feet. The whole class again just looked at me looks 'damn he's a badass'. Koro Sensei just regrew his tentacle and turned to me.

Koro Sensei: You're a very skilled Assassin but your only aiming for tentacles? Wouldn't you go for the head?

(F/n): If an Assassin doesn't have any information of the target, the assassin either watches, or tests. A dumb assassin always attacks without seeing the targets strong suits and weak suits. The times I sliced your tentacles was when I was testing you. How well you react to sliced off tentacles, How quickly it takes you to process the information etc, and right now I think I've gathered enough... now I'm going to grab some water from the water fountain.

I got up and strolled out of the class...

*No One's POV*

The girls.

Rio: Oh my God he is sooo hot!

Toka: Right! Like he just doesn't give a fuck.

Yuzuki: We should all try get his number!

Meg: Yessss! That's a great idea.

The boys.

Maehara: Well never mind about things blowing over.

Isogai: Damnit! Why does he get all the girls?

Maehara: Maybe he's actually cool?

Isogai: I m-mean I'm cool right?

Maehara: Compared to him, nope.

Isogai: We are going to have to confront him.

Maehara: You mean you?

Isogai: No, your going to come with me.

Maehara: Fuck that shit I'm out. I am not confronting him.

Isogai: *mutters under breath* pussy.

Maehara: That's what you don't get but (F/n) gets.

*(Y/n) POV*

So after I got a drink at the fountain I came back at my table and just sat there again and just begun copying whatever Karma did.

Yuzuki: It's bright red.

I turned to the stage and Koro Sensei was extracting a string type thing from a jar with a red liquid still remained in the jar.

Koro Sensei: All right! And that concludes our experiment to extract artificial colouring...

Koro Sensei dashed at Mach 20 speed and snatched all our snack foods.

Koro Sensei: I'll be taking the leftover snacks now!

Koro Sensei dashed away then dashed right back and stood proudly.

Rio: But we bought those!

Koro Sensei didn't say a word until Okuda, a very petite girl with glasses walked up to Koro Sensei with her hands behind her back, holding a beaker with a liquid inside.

Okuda: U-Umm...Sir...

Koro Sensei: Can I help you, Okuda?

Okuda: Ummm...

She took out the beaker from behind her back and offered her liquid to Koro Sensei.

Okuda: This is poison, please drink it!

Maehara: Now that's straightforward.

Okuda: I guess that's too much to ask?

Koro Sensei: My, this is certainly an honest assassination attempt, Okuda.

Okuda: W-well, Umm... I'm not good at surprise attacks like everyone else, but I am good at chemistry, so miss this with all my heart and soul.

(F/n): Heart and soul?

Sugino: Okuda, no one would be dumb enough to drink that.

Koro Sensei: Well, then! I would be delighted to!

He poured the beaker into his mouth and basically drank bleach. After he downed it he begun having some sort of like paralysis and looked in pain.

(F/n): Could this actually kill him?

After for about a few seconds, he just turned blue and grew horns.

(F/n): Well...

Assassination Classroom x Son of John Wick Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now