Ball Game

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The whole class went silent, the only sound was the gushing sound of Itona's blood.

Karma: You're...a Wick?

I turned to Karma, his face changed to a shocked/scared expression on his face.

Meg: But you told us your name was (F/n)!

(Y/n): I lied.

The whole class gasped with shock. Who thought the most bad-ass character was a wick? Itona slightly twitched and turned before raising to a seated posterior with blood everywhere.

Itona: What...h-happened?

(Y/n): You lost...

Itona's face turned a aggressive expression, gritting his teeth and narrowing his eyes.

Itona: I never lose!

Shiro ran over to the now conscious Itona who was fuming and calmed him down.

Shiro: Come on, we've gotta patch these injuries.

Shiro looked up to me.

Shiro: And We'll never forgive you...Wick...

(Y/n): Yeah, Yeah, talk all the shit you want.

Shiro picked up Itona and rushed him outside of the classroom.

Koro Sensei: Wick...

Koro Sensei came walking towards me with malicious intent.

Koro Sensei: I knew once you walked into this, once I was notified about your arrival as a transfer student, I got a feeling you might not actually be a transfer student.

(Y/n): Well, I came clean didn't I? At least you know I'm a Wick.

Koro Sensei narrowed his eyes at me.

Koro Sensei: You're lucky I can't kill you.

(Y/n): You're lucky you're still alive... I'm starting to like this class.

In the background, Rio faints and collapses on a desk.

(Y/n): What's wrong with her?

Meg: You don't wanna know...


Koro Sensei: A class versus class ball game tournament, is it? Cultivating healthy minds and bodies through sports-mostly excellent! However...why is E class not not in the tournament brackets?

Koki: E class doesn't get entered into the tournament. Due to the splendid reason that there'd be an odd number of teams. Instead, we have to play in the exhibition game at the end.

(Y/n): Not if I can help it.

Koki: I mean if you plan to threaten the sports committee or whoever run the show then yeah, you could.

(Y/n): But I can't be bothered.

Koki: Well if we have to play the exhibition match then it's basically a spectacle, as the entire school looks on we get pit against the Baseball Club and the girls the Girl's Basketball club.

Koro Sensei: I see, so it's the same old same old.

Meg: Yep.

Terasaka: We aren't sticking around to be laughingstocks.

(Y/n): I don't know what you mean about being laughingstocks, you were always one since you were born.

Terasaka beamed his glare across the classroom dirrectly at me and made it obvious, while I heared a few giggles around the classroom.

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