Transfer Student

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Koro Sensei: All right, class, time for home room. Please take your seats.

I focused towards the front of the classroom to see Koro Sensei's head all big and inflated, the size of a massive balloon.

(Y/n): That is one massive condom

Ritsu: Koro Sensei, your head is approximately 33 percent larger. Please explain.

Koro Sensei: Ah. It's soaked up all this moisture, thanks to the high humidity.

He than began to pull the 'skin' of his face and squeezed it tightly which water dropped out of his skin.

Koro Sensei: Now that's been cleared up, Mr. Karasuma tells me another transfer student is coming.

Maehara: Yeah, well, probably another assassin.

Koro Sensei: I got into a little trouble taking Ritsu too lightly last time. I won't make that mistake again. *pointing towards Ritsu.* In any case, it'll be nice for you to have someone else on your side.

Sumire: Hey, Ritsu, have you heard anything? You know, of the transfer student?

Ritsu: Yes, a little. Originally, he and I were to be introduced together. I would handle long - range attacks, and he, close-ranged combat. Together, we'd drive Koro Sensei into a corner. But...those orders were canceled for two reasons.

Sumire: Huh...what were they?

Ritsu: One, his adjustment took longer than expected, and two...I lack the capacity to provide him support. As an assassin, I am overwhelmingly inferior to him.

(Y/n): Coming from you Ritsu, this guy sounds powerful, almost like me...

There was dead silence, everyone giving each other's looks, darting back and forth. The air dropped slightly in temperature with the hairs of my arm slightly rising. Everyone turned their heads to the entrance of our classroom, a tall figure, dressed in white with what seems kinda like a burqa. (I assume, Muslim people don't kill me).

Okano: What's with the outfit? Is he the new kid?

The figure raised his hands and with one swift click, a bird appeared with a puff of smoke.

White Figure: Sorry! Didn't mean to frighten you. I'm not the new kid—I'm his guardian. You can call me..."Shiro."

Kaede: Some guy all in white comes in doing tricks? That'd spook anyone!

(Y/n): Some thing's wrong I can feel it.

Nagisa: Yeah, not just Koro Sensei, eith—

I returned my attention to Koro a Sensei who was a grey blob attached to the roof in the corner.

Nagisa: Koro Sensei you scaredy-cat.

Isogai: He's spooked enough to use his liquefy trick!

Koro Sensei: Well Ritsu was telling all those scary stories! N-Nice to meet you, Mr, Shiro. *Koro Sensei turns to normal and drops to the floor* and where is our new student?

Shiro: My pleasure, Koro Sensei. He's a rather...unique child is personality and otherwise. I'll introduce him myself.

Shiro began walking to the front of the class where Koro Sensei was stationed. Shiro then came to a sudden halt, putting his gaze towards our classmates.

Koro Sensei: What is it?

Shiro: Oh,'ve got good kids here. I'm sure he'll fit right in. Now to introduce him: Hey Itona! Come on in.

Assassination Classroom x Son of John Wick Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now