The sword dance.

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 The play was about the Wintermoon. How Wintermoon really came to be; It started with a tragic love story between an immortal, & mortal. The beautiful immortal have descended down to the mortal world to learn, but it was long said that curiosity kills the cat. Thus the immortal, Hitashki fell in love with a human man that could rival a deity by looks, & skills. He was played by Marcus, who was perfect for the role, & somehow it was perfected more so with his exquisite acting skills. I wouldn't have expected that from him, since he had such cold expression but I wasn't surprised by it. The sly guy was adept in acting, & hiding his emotions by all means, just like his sister.

   The immortal, & the human man promised to love each other for eternity but humans were foolish, uncommitted. The man soon left her on the day when snow began to fall; the other deities had waited for her return but she hadn't came back at all, and so they had sent a messenger, spirit of nature. The spirit of nature was kind, but revengeful, as soon as he saw her in such pain his blood boiled. He promised her that he will make the human suffer greatly, but the immortal denied. She said it was 'love.' She loved her, & she can't bear to see him hurt, but she can't bear seeing him either. Like her name, Hitashki she was beautiful, & kind, beloved by all deities. 

 "I want to be seen by him everyday, I want him to remember me even if it's just a vague thought for a second," she had said to the nature spirit, & the spirit granted her wish, though very sadly. He took her soul to the moon, & left her there to sleep for eternity, where she can no longer feel pain from his betrayal. Ever since then, lasting for two nights the moon glowed soft blue light, aura familiar to Hitashki's. The story didn't end like this though; soon the human man had already forgotten Hitashki, & the nature spirit enraged by this, cursed the man. All human kind, he robbed them of something, something that they will never know existed but will always remember, like Hitashki's presence. They didn't tell what humans were robbed off though. However, they told a legend; If you watch the moon until the sun rises with your lover, it is said that Hitashki will bless your love, & gift you commitment that will last eternity.

 I didn't enjoy the play that much; sure, the acting was efficient but I didn't like it. Hitashki was stupid, & naive; if it was me, I would've cursed the man to feel exact pain, & hurt like mine. More to that, I would never fall in love from the start. 

 Everyone clapped when the play ended, & so did I but not out of empathy, unlike some of the girls who were crying now, sobbing like they knew how Hitashki felt. I certainly didn't, how could she feel like that? Even after what he did? I clapped because the play had finally ended after 2 hours straight, my eyes hurt when the light was suddenly turned on again.

  Lucas had sat next to me in the huge stadium with thousands of seats; unlike the sport's class, art class took this way more seriously. 

 'Do you want to eat snacks?' he asked as he hoisted himself up from his seat; 'How long will this continue?'

  'Probably for hours until Allan's performance, before that there will be dancing, singing, guitar & those stuff.'

  'Then, bring something tasty not sugary. I'm craving spicy stuff.'

Only after he left, I realized something. Something I should've realized when I heard him ask in the first place, something that didn't occur to me until the very end, & I gasped; 'I should've asked him to bring something to drink with it! God damn!'

 Well, he can't be already gone far right? Let's just tell him, real quick. I jumped up from my seat, & ran down the stairs.


   Ugh, he's gone! Now our mouths are going to feel so dry while eating the snacks. Do I call him? But I don't know his number... Allan probably does though.

  With that I strode towards the backstage, careful not to be noticed by the teachers there, & that's when I heard it;

 'She injured her leg? God, why now?! Maybe she could've broken it later, but right at this moment?! She just had to, didn't she?'

 'Don't be so mean-'

'No! I will be, because we don't have any one else who can dance, or at least anyone who will fit her clothes that were custom made! We've already put her in the list, if we back down-'

'Wait, what about Curie? She-'

'She! He's a boy!' the girl wailed, as she paced back and forth.

'Oh, she, no, he was?!'

   'Yes, you dimwit! God,' the girl sobbed; 'I wish I could just... kill you.'

'You said that out loud.'

 'Yes, I know! You're only making my stress levels rise up...' that's when she noticed me, standing, there where I ultimately wasn't supposed to be.

 'What are you doing here?' she asked, frowning while tears were forming in the corner of her eyes; I better get out of here, this is-

 'Wait!' she cried, & came running my way before I could turn around; 'You... you...' her hands touched my waist, sinking in the loose white shirt making me flinch.

 The heck is she doing?! She then touched my breasts, & I backed away in shock, but she took my hand; 'If only you could dance! Her measures are similar to yours, & you actually have a hip, if only...! Though, you're a little shorter, & you don't...' she waved in front of my chest.

 'Have that much of a chest, but at least you're actually a girl! Even the colors would suit you!' she shrieked. 

  'Um, yes. I see that,' I said, trying to get out from her grasp as she hugged me tightly by my waist; 'After this performance.... can't you dance?' she sobbed.

 'No, I can't. Let go, please.' 

'I don't want to, I'll let go only if you dance! It's nothing much, just a sword dance! Please, please!'

 Sword dance? Have I ever heard of that before? It seems, I do remember seeing it once... from watching Kdrama. 

 'I can't dance, & there's nothing-'

'If you just dance for 15 minutes, instead of her, you'll be rewarded really good. Anything you want, money, dorm switch, any guys you want to meet, I swear-'

 'Alright,' I agreed; dorm switch, this is good. If I manage to do that, it will be safer for me. I was actually worried that Elena might try to frame me, by bringing some kind of evidence into my dorm.

 'You're... yay!' she hugged me more tightly; 'You're being bribed by me! My bribe worked!'

'Yeah, yeah. Can I see the choreography first?'

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