Chapter 24.

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  The intelligent emerald green stared into mine; Oh, it's Allan.

The door closed behind me softly with my body being pushed by him; this is wrong on so many levels. Am I the protagonist, or what? Why do these male leads keep revolving around me with such unbelievable coincidences...? Then an idea reformed in my head, a formula I'd been missing all along. Oh, I've been ignorant it seems, still brilliant but...

 'Are you alright?' he asked, & I lightly pushed him, glaring at the floor with a smirk widening on my face; ah, these weren't coincidences.

 'Hey...' I looked up at him, & he frowned; 'You scratched your cheek-'

'Are you, & Lucas close?' he flinched slightly.

 I stared at him with ice-cold glare that induced shivers though it wasn't actually pointed at him; 'Ah... it's not like that, it's not-'

 'What?' I snapped out of daze, my gaze softening noticeably.

'What's not like that? You didn't do anything wrong, Lucas asked you to watch over me, didn't he? Ah, no. Not watch over, carefully, very closely watch me.'

'Ah...' I patted his chest stepping closer to him, & he took a step back in shock; 'Don't worry, I won't make this any easier than it is for you,' I whispered. That cheating bastard, if he wants to defeat Rhys, he should do it in a clean way.

 'Tell Lucas I have no means of helping him, maybe he'd find someone else to be his dog later but certainly not me. Oh, & also, remind him to keep his fans in check.'

 I turned around, & opened the door; 'However, that doesn't mean we will become enemies, unless you attack me first of course.' I glanced back at him, flashing a genuine smile.

 'I really hope, we won't become like that.'

 Momentarily, I had almost forgotten what he said to me that Saturday, but I never forget. It was just because of these distractions, distractions I was secretly grateful for.


I was still missing few details though; who did Rhys mean when he said that "he" told me to wake you up? Definitely not Allan, or Lucas, but those two are the only two people I can think of that has at least a pinch of influence over him. Everyone else from the class, he wouldn't even bat an eyelash at, & I was the same way, there's no changing that, I noticed the nonchalance in his eyes when he looked at me that... day. Full of blame, anger, and... nonchalance. Hah! I can also be nonchalant, does he think he's the only one who doesn't care? 

 I sighed; sure, I knew he was going to be cold, & indifferent from the start as he is to everyone other than Isabelle, but facing him... really facing him, it feels different than what I imagined. I don't even know what I imagined.

 The door burst open startling me, & Elena came in looking absolutely exhausted; 'Ah, this is all your fault. Now, not only boys but girls...' she fell onto her bed, without finishing the sentence, & soon started to snore.

 Elena also, was different. Not in the same way as how Rhys felt different, but was actually different. The novel always described her as scheming, evil, ingenious, manipulative, & sly, but she was actually goofy, & kinda dense here. Did her persona change only after Isabelle came? Ah, he would also change if Isabelle comes... following her around like a dog...

 Focus! Come on, focus! I told myself, but my mind kept lingering on the topic "Rhys" so ignorantly. I had lots of things to think about, for example; why Rhys was following those thugs? Who he was talking about? The mythology class, & what might happen tomorrow, yet the only thing I was able to think about was Rhys. It was so frustrating, I detested it, I detested Rhys but I still couldn't not think about him. His manners have been too curious lately, no. Maybe because it wasn't mentioned in the novel, of how he was before he met Isabelle...

 Due to that, I couldn't sleep through the whole night, & woke up in haze the next morning by the alarm clock with noticeable black circles under my eyes.

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