Preparations for the Wintermoon.

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Exam scores were sent to us personally this time, & my scores didn't disappoint me but it didn't exceed my expectation either. 

 'I bet this year's one is going to be better than last year.'

'Of course, even the senior trio is going to participate; Daniel, & Marcus, cool isn't that?!' they screeched as they passed me in the hall. God, please don't tell me another event is happening at this darned school. I absolutely loathe social activities, it's too... interacting, & social. The whole thing just describes everything I'm not.

 I entered the classroom, & walked to my seat.

'Hey,' Lucas greeted with not so bright expression, & I unwillingly glanced at Rhys, who had an unnoticeable small smile on his face which I found easily; the atmosphere around him was a little off, like he was pissed out. Well, at least he knows that he isn't the only one competing for Isabelle. Now, he would take Lucas more seriously as a rival, & that would...

  'Did you see him, & the transfer student together?'

'They looked close, like they knew each other,' I answered keeping my emotions in check; should I also bring another person in the game? Someone who's smart, tricky, sly, &... Marcus? How about Marcus? What about Daniel? Ah, it will be fun to see such naive idiot running next to fox, & tigers. Now, how do I bring them in?

 'So they did. Can you-' the teacher came into the classroom, & Lucas taking one last look at me with meaningful eyes, left for his seat.

  'Starting from this year, seniors are also going to participate the Wintermoon ceremony. You know the art, & sport's class students are going to partake as usual. Tomorrow, we will watch the sport's class perform in the gymnasium, & the next day will be art's class. That's all, you can leave for today.'

 The students clapped their hands, initially confusing me; Wintermoon ceremony? The f*ck's that?

  'Let's go,' Lucas pulled me up, & I was dragged out of the classroom; the weird gazes they give were still there, but I had become used to it. They also had become used to us being like this. How funny, I'm not your real rival though. You're yet to meet her, but...

 'So, can you tell me-'

'Why are you so curious? Is it because she's...' I gritted my teeth; 'Because she's pretty?' Pretty? What a joke! I can't believe I said that with my own mouth.

    Lucas stared at me for a second, strange light gleaming in his eyes before he answered; 'Rather than pretty, it's beautiful. Have you ever seen anyone as enchanting as her?'

 I stared at him with disgusted look; 'Elena Rochelle?' 

'Her charm's different than her. Isabelle's-'

'Yeah, yeah whatever. Just tell me what Wintermoon ceremony is instead of talking useless stuff like this.'

 'Wintermoon ceremony... you don't know about it?' he sounded astonished; 'It's a national celebration-'

 'I just came to this city not long ago, I barely know anything of it,' I quickly found an excuse but he didn't look so convinced; 'That's still... '

'Just tell me already,' I rushed him, appearing a bit defensive; 'Wintermoon ceremony is a traditional celebration. It's to celebrate new moon year.'

'New... moon year? Like... new year?'

'New year? I suppose you can say that way, since this happens once a year in winter, I guess it's like a new year starting from the next day of Wintermoon.' It's earlier than New year, then...

 'Then, when does Christmas happen?'

'What?' his eyes widened with surprise, & I realized I shouldn't have asked him that. Ah darn, I keep mistaking this novel world for my real one even though I keep repeating to myself it's a novel. Habit, I suppose.

 'Hah, sometimes I really wonder if you're from another world,' he sighed startling me; 'Anyways, where are you originally from?'

 'Er... is Allan participating in the Wintermoon ceremony also? What is he doing?'

'Oh... he's preparing but won't you ans-'

'Let's go see, Allan!' I cut him off, & walked fast forward.


I could hear the melodious voices melting in together even from outside the music room. At the background there was piano being played adeptly.

 'Aren't you going in?' Lucas asked, & I nodded my head absent-mindedly. 

  When I heard this kind of beautiful music... I only felt more empty; it was ironic. Was life beautiful? No, not for me but it's full of beautiful things, as if it's mocking me. Like Rhys... 

 Momentarily, I was shocked by my own thought, but I shook it off, & opened the door interrupting the music; a pretty good looking girl sitting next ton Allan who was playing the piano stopped singing, turning towards me.

  'Are you two preparing for the Wintermoon ceremony?' I asked, & Allan nodded with a soft smile.

 'You're here to watch?' 

'Yeah, if you don't mind,' I said; 'If you want me to, I'll leave.' The pretty girl with pigtails looked between Allan, and me.

 'I don't mind, you can sit on the chair in the corner,' he pointed, & soon started to play again.

I will save the villain!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα