Maybe... I am in a novel?

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-This can't be me. No, this isn't me but... I am in this body, & I look like the younger me. How do I explain this?                                                                                                                                                                               I bit my lower lip to help myself focus; ironically, only when I feel pain, am I able to focus, & think clearly.

    'Ah, it's your examination time,' the nurse informed me, as she peeked through the door.

'What examination?' I asked bluntly.                                                                                                                              'Please follow me; you can't be behind schedule.'


  'Your vision is normal, your hearing is fine, no brain damage, or permanent injuries. This is a very lucky case;even after losing so much blood, you woke up immediately after just 2 days. It's a miracle.'                                                                                                                                                                                   'Not to mention, you can walk with no problem,' the doctor smiled beautifully; she seemed to be older than I was, but she was prettier than me. What tragedy is this? How can a doctor be so unrealistically pretty? Even her hair color... I've never seen a person with silver blonde hair before. Did she dye it? But, it looks so natural.

  'When will I get out of here?' I asked; too many strange things are happening today. I wouldn't be surprised now, if she said I'm completely healed after only two days.

   'That depends on you. If you heal completely in 2, or 3 weeks as I'm expecting you to, you can leave.'

  -Ah. I suppose even unrealistic luck has its limit. Of course, a person can't just get younger by ten years, get compensated by $60,000, & heal incredibly fast, all in one day. Maybe, I'll be healed tomorrow, & I'll discover I have magical powers. (she's using sarcasm)

   'Oh, by the way doctor. Did I have an ID, or any item with me?'

'Now that I think, I did see-'

'Doctor Ruth, we have an emergency!' a nurse cried, as the door burst open. She jumped up;

'I'll call the nurse for you to answer your questions,' she said, while running out of the room with her silver hair flowing behind.

   -Doctor... Ruth? The name Alan Ruth flashed into my mind; is this just a coincidence, or... Not only having the same last name, but sharing silver hair in similarity as well, is a bit too much for just a coincidence.                                                                                                                                                                  There was a knock on the door, & I hesitated whether I should say 'get lost,' or 'come in,' but before I could decide, the nurse came in;

   'I heard you had questions?'

 -Yes, I should check.

   'Can you tell me the date of today?'

'Ah, it's 24th of July.'


'2021, of course. Why do you ask?'  I didn't answer, but the smile spread wider on my face.

    -Ah, could it be that I really am in the world of novel?


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