Chapter 36.

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   So, the plot is starting early, & that's why she's here earlier than before? Could it be the novel sensed something that (she's talking about herself) didn't belong in the novel came in here, disrupting the story? How scary.

 The smile widened on my face, as I sipped the bitter tasting coffee while looking out through the cafe window; Well, unbelievably, though I said I would save the villain, I didn't make any plans at all.

  Before it all starts, let's bring all the characters in the game, shall we?


  I saw him sitting on the bench alone, staring at the large naked tree in front of himself. Unlike when he was with Isabelle, he wasn't smiling, & he didn't look like he normally did. Rhys hadn't even noticed me there, staring at him from his side. Even though it was only about 5 m if we actually measure the distance between us, it felt as if I was behind a glass wall, he felt unreachable. Something straight out of fairy tale, with his raven black hair, & dazed icy blue eyes placed on the tree, in the middle of white snow. 

 The sigh escaped my mouth; he's going to be cold if he stays like that but what can I do? The snow crunched under me as I walked forward to the bench, but he didn't even notice me. 

 I put the hot Americano I was planning to drink later next to where he sat on the bench, but I took it back as I brought out a pen, & crumbled paper. Ripping a small piece, I wrote on the piece; If you plan to sit here for long, drink something warm as you do. A small smiling face, & done. I stuffed the pen, & paper in my pocket, then put the coffee next to him with a crumpled note on top of it.

 He seemed to be in deep thought; I took my chance to stare at his face, & after that, I left with no words.


I prepared for exam in the library with Lucas. Allan was practicing with someone else since he would take different test from us.

  'Hey, you're only studying. Pay attention to me too,' Lucas demanded as he leaned back in the chair.

'Is that so?' he jolted up; 'What's with you? You're acting kind of weird.'

'Hmm... is that so?'

'See?! It's weird-!'

   'Quiet!' barked the librarian, & he said in more hushed tone, leaning in; 'You're usually more talkative, & rude. Now you're repeating only one response with few words added.'

 'I see,' I said as I put the earphones in my ears, & chose a song, putting it on the loudest volume.

Now, how do I push Lucas over the edge? Ah, wait...

  'Hey,' he said, pulling my earphone out of my ear, his eyebrows scrunched together from the frown he put on; 'You're ignoring me.'

 'I can't focus when you keep talking,' I bit my lower lip; 'Ah, I really don't understand it,' the groan escaped my mouth.

  'What? What can't you understand?'

'That's none of your... well, I heard there was a new transfer student.'

 'Oh, you mean Isabelle?' his frown disappeared as soon as I mentioned her. You're being too obvious.

 'So, that's her name...' I looked down at my book again, not saying anything further; 'What about her? What don't you understand? I may be able to help you.' 

 I snorted; 'I doubt that you know any better than me.'

  'Well, just tell me first, will you?'

'Ah... now that I think about it, you kept pestering me about Rhys's weakness right?'

'Yeah, so?'

'Hmm... I really didn't know at first, though now...' he waited for me to continue; an idiot. He's an idiot, Allan would've already stringed them together by now. If I talk too much, I'll be breaking the character I played until now, & he might become suspicious.

  'I'm curious. I've never seen him smile yet... do they know each other?' I muttered to myself, though loud enough for him to hear, & when I took a glance at him, he looked rather frozen with strange look.

 I hid my smile as I put the earphone back in my ear, focusing on my studies once more.


  'The temporary truce... what can you do for me if I tell you something you need to know?' I asked as I tapped the table repeatedly. 

'What changed your mind?' Elena asked; she may be smart but she loses herself completely when it comes to Rhys, & by using that, I can get to her even faster than Lucas.

 'Well, I told you once right? I don't bare my teeth before the battle, & I need your underlings gone. The ones who locked me in there out of the school.'

 'You're being hasty, unlike your usual-'

  'Did you hear about the new transfer student? Isabelle Marwin?'

'You're well informed, not many people know this.'

'Rhys was talking to her, that was... the first time I saw him smile I think,' I wondered, & the atmosphere dropped by ten degrees. 

 'So? Are you trying to use me to get rid of her?'

'What would I get by doing so?' she stared at me suspiciously; 'Fine, deal. I hope you can provide me... oh, that's not what I meant. You better provide me further information, & if this is a trick-'

'You'll see soon enough, when she comes.'

Elena would've found out anyway once Isabelle comes. So, the real reason why I told her... is to prepare her, & I'm getting on her good side, at the same time taking revenge. Three birds with one stone.

 Now, player 1, & 2's in but the game won't be interesting enough with only that much people. So, who else should I... ?

Author's note;

Here, Aubrey may seem like a real b*tch, but please understand that this is part of her personality. How she does everything, & anything, just to get what she wants. Probably the only person she cares about is Rhys here, but later on that would change though. 

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