I had asked a useless question. His will to fight was bountiful enough. It was the same for the other Green Skins who were fathers-to-be. Just like humans, they were all carrying on with their obligatory duties.

After everyone had busily moved around, preparations were complete just like that. Gark and Hark raised the flag standards high into the air by my sides as I stroked the fur of Ibar. It was then that a figure began to walk over. It was Black Spear. I had told him in advance that there would be a fight, but having noticed the loud and bustling noises here, it seems he had come in search of me.

“You’re heading out to fight.”

“Yes, Black Spear. Will you join us?”

It was natural to poke at this. I was able to invite him with a much lighter heart than before due to our relationship being closer, and, with him along, the battle would proceed much more smoothly, and as such, I stared at him with a bit of anticipation.

“Hmm… I would like to go, but it seems that I cannot accompany you this time, Blood Dagger. It seems that there are new Green Skins who are currently taking the Warrior Exam. Hmm… I am not trying to boast, but we have received the right to aid them.”

“Oh… Congratulations, Black Spear. It is truly good news. Very honorable, indeed.”

It was unfortunate, but it couldn’t be prevented. It does not match his personality, but it did seem like he came to boast, even though he said he wasn’t trying to. Seeing the truly pleasant and bright expression of his, that’s what I felt. Probably, while we were engaging in our battle, he’ll be heading over to the Land of Glory.

“Strength, Wisdom and Honor.”

“Strength, Wisdom and Honor.”

So I mounted Ibar and we began to slowly ride out. Although Mev had not pinpointed the exact location, we wanting to be around the vicinity, and as such, we headed over. While we were marching, a Goblin Archer quickly rushed over and began to guide us.

As if they knew I was desperate for time, they quickly located the place where we could start constructing – a quiet, barren place hidden far away from the narrowed-down position. Since we were moving underground anyways, it seemed that it wasn’t hard for them to find a suitable base.

Just as Mev previously mentioned, their base was quite far away. I had known originally how large the forest was, but I realized now just how much larger it actually was with this journey. But the path wasn’t boring. We were able to hunt some Evil Beasts, and I also began to anticipate the foreboding battle.

Soon, after a day or two, we discovered the location that Mev had found.

“Is it here?”


“I checked with the Plant’s roots. Though they’re a bit far away, if we dig a hole here, then we will definitely reach their base.”

If Hayeon had checked with her roots, then it was definitely true. Even if she were to connect us to the end of their tunnel, it wouldn’t matter. Rather, it would be comfortable, since it would allow us to move more stealthily in our operation. Not only that, but with the news that the Holy Order had not departed yet, it seems that we had enough time to afford in this operation.

Perhaps if it were hasty Summoned in charge, then they would have left immediately, but it wasn’t so with the Righteous Knight. As one who demanded perfection, he wanted to do things in an orderly manner. There’s no mistake that it was an opportunity for us.

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