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"Another bottle."

"Would you like me to call an Uber with that?"

Logan laughed. "That would be great."

"Maybe we should just get water." I muttered as the waiter left, the edges of my vision blurry from the incredible amount of alcohol I've consumed the past two hours.

"We're in Mexico, and when in Mexico, get drunk as hell." Logan countered.

I laughed a little too loud for the small upscale restaurant we were in, causing a few people to turn their heads.

"Don't pay attention to them." Logan giggled, gulping down the last of his glass. "They are just jealous because they aren't having any fun."

I inspected the bottle on the table. "Why don't these come bigger?" I could be a lot drunker if this thing was a standard size. "Especially for all of the money we paid for it."

"We didn't pay for it," Logan corrected. "All of those nice people on our Go Fund Me page did." I smiled recalling the "Send Two Cripples on Vacation" page.

We were halfway through the ten day trip and I didn't want to leave. It was paradise, in simplest terms, especially when it was just me and Logan, hanging out on the beach by day and screwing each other's brains out by night. It was the first vacation of my life, along with the first time I let myself not worry about everything. I've had enough worrying for a few life times. Especially after everything we have been through, I think it's safe to say that we deserved this.

I glanced down at my foot that had healed since the attack. Back when the Go Fund Me account was made, it was still pretty nonfunctional, that's how long it had taken to get the money. I guess people weren't too quick to donate to us.

Logan was on a tight budget after paying for all of his arm surgeries, his inheritance had to make up for the many expenses insurance didn't cover. Even after he was discharged, we had to go to the emergency room twice because his wound opened back up again. He was fine now, but I look at the nasty scar every day worrying that it would burst open any second. While Aubrey's on the spot amputation was effective, it was messy and left a lot to be fixed.

"You think we can get a discount for being a political figure?" He smirked at me, a devious glint in his eye.

I rolled my eyes. "Logan, he gets inaugurated tomorrow, besides, it's not like I did much in my short time as mayor anyway." I poked my fork into the tiny chocolate dessert.

"I mean, I'm glad that you didn't take the job," He scooped a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. "But I don't know about this Marty Baldwin guy they're bringing into city hall."

I shrugged. "They voted for him, I'm not going to protest, especially if it's keeping them from revolting."

"I just really hope he ends up being a good one, we need somebody like that now more than ever."

He was right. The city was still trying to grapple with the loss we endured. Most businesses were still closed due to the damage done, or due to the fact that nobody was coming into work because they were either grieving or dead. Some even had to shut down because of lack of business, people are just too scared to have interaction with other people in fear that they could've been the person who killed one of their loved ones or still has association with Hypothermia.

Walking the streets has been so different. For one, almost nobody is out, few on the roads as well. It's such a different mood from the stable and happy air there used to be. People hurry past me without making eye contact, nervously peeking around every corner for attackers or leftover asshats.

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