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I woke up to screaming.

My instinct was the grab my baseball bat, my tired eyes immediately snapping awake.

"Stop saying that! Stop saying that you care!"

"I do care!"

I grumbled and dropped the bat, realizing it was only Aubrey and Logan yelling at each other in the room next to me.


Not a day passed when they weren't pissed at each other. I really didn't know what was happening between them, they seemed so happy before.

I flopped back onto my bed, rubbing my eyes.

"If you cared then maybe you wouldn't be so reserved, maybe you would actually tell me what you're thinking!"

"I'm thinking that maybe you're overreacting."

"Yes, Logan, I'm overreacting because I think I'm in love with you and you're not with me."


"No, don't 'Aubrey' me. If you don't, just say it, I'm not going to waste my time on you."


"No! Don't! Just don't. Get out of my room!"

I heard the shuffling of feet and the bedroom door opened.

"I care." I heard Logan's voice say softly.

"Get the hell out of my apartment."

The door slammed shut and his stomps echoed through the apartment as he went to the front door.

I walked out of my room and followed after him, watching as he shoved his feet into the bright green Crocs with the little video game charms pushed into the holes that he always kept at our house.

He opened the door and looked back at me just as he went to leave and sighed. "Just don't."

I swallowed hard and nodded, watching him leave.

I turned to go back to my room and saw Aubrey standing in the kitchen doorway, her eyes welling up with tears.

"I'm not wasting my time," She croaked, trying to fight back her tears. "I'm not."

I sighed. "Honey..."

She broke out into sobs and held the table to steady herself. I went over and wrapped her in my arms, the moment I made contact with her she crumbled to the ground like a falling star.

I stroked her hair and sighed, pulling her closer to my chest. "It's all going to be ok, he's just a stupid boy."

"I hate him!" She screamed in between sobs. "I didn't even like him that much why am I crying so fricking hard!"

"Because you don't hate him, you don't. You love him, and that's okay."

She sobbed even harder, making me squeeze her even harder. "I love him," she whispered. "I love him so much."

I sat there with her for half an hour before she dozed off into sleep, her face stained with hot tears.

I took her head off my lap carefully and went into the living room, grabbing a blanket and a pillow to lie over her and under her head.

I started a pot of coffee, barely able to keep my eyes open at this ungodly hour of the morning, but too awake to go back to sleep.

My fight and temporary separation with Blake was pretty bad, but nowhere as near as bad as Aubrey's. I couldn't help but wonder if she actually loved Logan, or if she was infatuated with him. She had wanted so badly to have a boyfriend, to be loved, and the relationship where she thinks she finds that goes down in flames. I wish I could do something more to show her that she is more valuable than she thinks, that she doesn't need a guy to complete her.

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