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You think I would've learned.

I spent barely ten minutes at home, and suddenly I'm being kidnapped again. What kind of sick joke was this? Could I not have at least one hour to relax? I wasn't even scared anymore, I was just annoyed.

Ok, maybe I was still a little scared.

I woke up to someone slapping me in the face and I jolted awake, gasping for breath. "What... Where..."

"Shh." I heard an all too familiar voice say, sending chills down my spine. "Calm down."

"B-Blake," I said through gritted teeth. "You tried and failed once, it isn't going to work a second time."

He laughed, coming into my view, my vision still blurry from whatever they injected me with, but he wasn't wearing his Hypothermia getup, he was wearing a grey suit and tie. "I'm not trying to get you arrested again. I'm really not that determined to get you out of my hair the easy way."

"Easy way?" I snorted. "Last time I checked, you made it sound like getting arrested was worse than death."

"Well," He sighed. "That's because it was a little better than plan B, and I didn't want you to have to worry about that."

I swallowed a salty lump in my throat. "So this is plan B? Keeping me here?" I looked around, finding myself trapped between four cinder block walls, the only difference between them wwere the number six thousand seven hundred thirty six in bold letters in one corner. A few large portable machines and fancy chairs were scattered neatly throughout the room, but I was at the center.

My mind reeled as I tried to figure out where I could be. There were no windows, which didn't help. The chairs and medical devices lead me to believe I was in some sort of lab. The numbers could mean anything. An address? Coordinates? Six seven three six. Had I seen those numbers before?

"No, I have much better plans for you." He took a step towards me and I tried to move but found my hands and feet strapped into a dentist chair. He smiled, taking my chin in his fingers. "Much better plans." He repeated, a manic look in his eyes. His cold fingers brushed along my cheek like knives scraping across ice. "It's really too bad you didn't turn out to be that naive little secretary I thought you were, because we could've had a great life together, and none of this would've happened." He sighed, his smile turning into a grimace as his nails dug into my cheek, making me bite my lip to keep from yelling out. I would not show weakness, not anymore.

He took his hand off me and turned around. "Doctor, she's ready."

My heart pounded, suddenly realizing that Blake was right, prison was better than plan B.

I expected to see some weird dentist or something come from the door on the opposite side of the room, but instead, another familiar face. A face I hadn't spoken to much, but I knew as Dr. Peters himself.

"God," I muttered, fists clenched. "Everyone in this town is a damn vigilante." It was kind of obvious now that he was Dr. Laser, with the whole exposing identities endeavor along with his job at City Hall. I was kicking myself for not realizing it before, maybe some of this could've been avoided.

He walked towards me, a smile on his face. "Good evening, Ms. Sharpe."

"I don't get it." I started, cocking my head to the side. "If you're so hell bent on revealing vigilantes, then why are you working with him?" I nodded towards Blake who was sitting in the corner texting. "He's got plenty of vigilantes on his side."

He sat down on a stool next to me, folding his hands. "That is true. Many of these vigilantes I would be happy to expose in an instant, but my ultimate goal is to rid this city of all vigilantes and return the balance, the latter being Mr. Rockwell's goal also. You see, when people like us have common goals and a very small army to achieve these goals when separate, we need to come together, and once we do that," An insane smile spread on his face. "World domination."

Fatal AttractionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora